Don't Waste Your Time On Me. (Michael Clifford one shot.)

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{Stella's POV}

Logging on to my account on Facebook, a gentle sigh escaped my lips. I turned on the video camera that was built into the laptop. As the camera signaled me that it was recording, I spoke up. "I'm so tired of this.." I wiped my eyes laughing coldly at how ridiculous I looked. "I'm sick of breathing, talking, walking.. Everything. I'm so sorry to the people I'm going to hurt by this but, it's what's better for me. So, this is goodbye." I let out a quiet sob, reaching to cut off the camera. This was it. I was going to end it all. Now. I clicked upload to the video, hoping someone would care to see it. I slammed my laptop closed, not wanting anything to do with that website anymore. Shuffling back and forth across my bedroom floor, I couldn't help but cry. I was so hurt and no one was around to even care. No one knew what I was going through. I was so alone and I didn't want that anymore. I wanted the sadness to end, that's all I want. I sat down on the edge of my bed, grabbing a pillow and burying my face into it as I began to sob uncontrollably. The sobs shook my body. I was physically and emotionally drained. I couldn't take anymore.

{Michaels POV}

Clicking onto my Facebook app I sighed. This plane ride was long and I had nothing better to do except look on my social accounts and listen to music. Scrolling through the pointless bullshit, something caught my eye. It was Stella Wilson's video. It was titled goodbye. This was my best friend. A panic rose in my chest, clicking on the video, it showed Stella. She was in tears and I couldn't take the words that she was spilling. Why was this happening? If I was home with her nothing could happen, she would be safe. Fuck, Michael. "So, this is goodbye." She gave a cold hearted smile, the video ending.

{Stella's POV}

I hurried into the bathroom, throwing everything off the skin and opening the mirror, a cabinet full of different medicines on the shelves of it. I grabbed a bottle of some sort of sleeping pills. I was going to end this now. "Stella!" A voice boomed through my house. I continued to cry, struggling to get the bottle cap open. "Stella! Where are you?!" The voice continued to shout. I finally got the bottle open, pouring multiple tablets into my hand, the door busting open to reveal Michael. My best friend since 8th grade. "Stella?" His eyebrows knitted tighter in confusion. "I want to die! Go away!" I shouted, he forcefully grabbed me, wrapping one of his arms around my waist, the other trying to get the pills out of my hand. Succeeding I tried to rush after them. Only to be pulled back against his chest. "What are you doing?! Stop!" I cried out, trying to get out of his grip. I was embarrassed and I didn't want to be alive anymore. "I hate you! Why did you do that?!" I finally decided to give up, going limp against his chest. Not noticing my dad and little sister or the medics.

{Michael's POV}

She cried against my chest, it was so pitiful. My best friend wanted to die and I couldn't do anything about it because I was too busy being selfish and on tour. If I was here with her I could've helped her. The medics took her out of my arms, placing her on the stretcher. "Is sissy okay?" Her little sister, Elizabeth asked, looking up her dad. "Yeah, Liz. She's strong." I followed the paramedics out to the ambulance. They gave me a sympathetic look. "Michael, go with her." Her dad, Mark, ordered taking Liz and buckling her up. I climbed into the ambulance and they shut the doors behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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