Chapter 1

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The Mansion stood out amongst the others because it was at least a mile long driveway. A purity was felt as you entered, with palm trees lining it on either side, the green solar lights and small water fountains that traced the way to the grand entrance of the house.
Thea drove her audi into the driveway carelessly, not appreciating her view, and proceeded to her personal valet.
"Sandy my car!"
Theas voice boomed over the loud trap music blasting from her latest car. She tossed the keys over to Sandy who was used to this treatment, she certainly had a loud voice and an overbearing presence, Thea would definately never get lost in a crowd! Sandy thought bitterly to herself, but nodded humbly and went to park Thea's car.

As Thea entered her overwhelming extravagant mansion, she headed straight up the double marbled stairs, her heels making a click clack with each step she took. Her long black hair swaying in her signature high pony tail, Thea was a tall girl but with a thick build, her gleaming green eyes were the envy of every girl at her elite private college.
Thea stopped at the top foot of the stairs
"Im home!" She bellowed.
No answer. It was a game of roulette as to when her parents were home.
Thea shrugged her shoulders, they are probably out for dinner again, She thought, as she proceeded to the left of the stairs which wrapped around to her own wing of the property. This is where Theas room, bathroom, sauna, spa & pool were located.
This was her sanctuary.

As much as Thea complained about her parents they were not the typical rich folks. Her mother Eliza, so delicate, with her beautiful perfect aryan features. Her father, Samuel, and his strong European build, always the kind and caring father all girls crave. They were perfect in every way and truly loved each other, Eliza and Sam had one flaw; they couldnt have kids of their own.

Thea slumped into her bedroom, which could easily have been a 3 bedroom home for the average person, phone in one hand she threw her gucci bag across the room toward her dresser, it landed with a faint crash knocking her versace perfume bottle from her boudoir. Thea was extremely careless when it came to material possessions she simply saw no value in these things, because if something broke or was lost it was replaced within 24 hours, therefore she never learnt the art of appreciation.
But what good would all these possessions be? She thought angrily and she looked around her room contemplating her next move.
Normally she would have a joint, go for a swim and do her homework. But today Thea was in a state of horror paralysis.
It was this afternoon that her school had made a startling revalation, the radio had been broadcasting similar announcements all day as had the tv, the warnings and precautions were all becoming more and more threatening as the day progressed. It was all too much for Thea to handle, she felt her anxiety starting to creep, and in her teenage angst she just wanted to block it all out.
She opened her facebook account expecting memes and jokes or someone saying it was all a hoax, but her profile picture was gone.
She started scrolling through her friends list, looking for a sign of life but everyone was gone!
It was as though the whole world had dissappeared, was it really only two hours ago that she had posted some selfies? Was it the same day that her friends had sent her snaps? How had the same announcement made itself onto every single social media platform? She checked twitter, instagram and snapchat, it was all gone. No more hashtags no more pictures no more tweets just the same automated voice and all black screen and the words that shook Thea's core; "As these missles are launched back and forth, with no possibility of either side showing any signs of reconciliation we can confirm that the nuclear war has begun..."
Thea shuddered as she walked to open her double glass doors that led to her balcony. With her phone in hand she began recording a video and as she looked up at the sky in awe; for it was still blue the birds still sang the clouds still moved, she appreciated the beauty of it.

She felt it before she heard it, not even a second of admiration had passed when Theas heart stopped. She heard the crash and felt the ground beneath her shake the entire house, as she fell to the ground with a shocking thud she looked back up, thats when the sky turned black.

The darkness was overwhelming, Thea stood up and instinctively ran back into her room, she slammed the doors and looked back at the now pitch black sky. It occurred to Thea, that she was all alone and her parents had not left her any clue as to where they were. Panic stricken, her breathing started to increase rapidly, her palms started to sweat and she felt dizzy. Thea grabbed her head with both hands and let out a small growl, she didn't even know where to begin, what is your first move when the world is ending?

"Thea! Thea!" Sandy ran up the stairs as fast as she could and called out dramatically as Thea burst out of her bedroom door "what the hell is going on?!" She bellowed accross. "Thea we have to go down to the safe room, we have to move, now!" Sandy had run over and grabbed Thea by the arms and dragged her "but- my stuff!" Sandy didn't stop "Thea forget it, we don't have time!" She yelled back at Thea who began pulling away;
they were at the top of the stairs.
Sandy pulled Thea down towards the stairs, Thea pushed back "no-" Thea squirmed and continued "I have to get my-"
Sandy held onto Thea and pulled her once more,
"Thea there is no ti-"
Thea tried to grab Sandy's extended hand, she gasped as she missed.
Sandy's face turned as white as the marble that her small body thudded and broke down upon. Thea watched on as the world seemed to slow, she turned her head slightly as Sandys limp body flew over the last six stairs and came to a sickening loud crack!
Her neck broke instantly causing her head to twist around facing Thea, who stood at the top of the stairs, she stared back blankly;
Sandy's eyes were still open.

Thea ran back to her room and grabbed her Loui Vuitton back pack and phone; these possessions mattered more to her right now, rather than Sandy's corpse in the foyer.
She gathered some small items as she stared in her mirror, with a quick glance at her attire she scrambled through her luxe white drawers and grabbed an extra pair of guess jeans and her favourite channel jumper. She was sprinting towards the stairs when she halted, she looked back at the outside which remained dark. It wasn't a pitch black anymore now it had a whitish grey smog flowing through it that Thea could barely see, but still, it was present, how much time had passed it felt like forever since she came home. She checked her watch it was 3.45 literally 15 minutes had passed. Quick to make her next decision, Thea strolled to the windows and hit the shutters, she closed the entire top floor before calmly walking down the stairs, careful to pass Sandy, she would get back to that later, first she needed a clear plan. Thea stopped at the front door, after she had closed all the downstairs shutters, she squinted as she looked outside, it was so dark.

Because of the size of her house it was a legal requirement that the Elswood family have two back up generators, the same size as the ones at a hospital. Thea knew that the safe room wasn't just a safe room either, it was equipped with a wonderfully large living area complete with a combined dining and kitchen. The bedrooms were decent sized with their own bathrooms and toilets, the "safe room" was practically a house!
Thea thought very carefully about what she should do, since there was still electricity in her house, she could technically stay there until her parents returned, if they returned. So she turned the porch lights on and they confirmed a smog that covered the entire compound. Thea closed her eyes, she had closed all the shutters, she decided to block the front door with thick towels and masking tape, just in case. Thea thought back to all the movies and television shows she had watched in the last 5 years, most were about zombies or apocalyptic settings, she finished up and blocked the door by moving a tall bar shelf accross the floor and placing it Infront of the large oak door. Thea looked back down at Sandy, her body was starting to create a stench, she needed to get rid of it. Slowly Thea could hear her instinct grow, a calm filled her. The voices were screaming at her to stay inside, to stay put, but first, get rid of that bitch..

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