Saturday (Ashton)

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You and Ashton are bestfriends since high school. He is the closest guy friend that you have ever had and with him, you can be yourself. But these past years you started to grow something for Ash. And you feel like he's more protective and more caring. 

It's saturday night. You have this weird habit with Ash where he would take you on a 'date' once in a month on saturday night. And you both dress up like a real couple.

You put on your little black dress on, put some make ups on, and once you're finished with your hair, you put your black shiny wedges on. Ash has waited for you since 30 minutes ago. He knows he need to wait for you and he understands it. 

You go downstairs and you look over Ash. He's there. On the couch. Talking with your dad. Laughing. And you go to the living room. Your dad and Ash stare at you. "Whoa look at you, lady. Who's daughter are you? Alright Ash, take care. Drive safe." You just smile and bye your dad.

"You look pretty, you know that? No? Alright." 

"Hah sarcastic much, Mr. Irwin? Shut up just drive you shithead." 

you both laugh

"Haha alright lady alright."

All along the way to the destination, you stare at Ash. He knows what he needs to do to flatter you. He knows you like it when he suits up. He knows you like it so bad when he wears glasses. He knows you like it when he mess his hair up. He knows everything. He also knows that you really like to stare at him on the car while he's driving. 

"Stop staring at me like that"

"what's so wring with it"

"i hate you"

"but you're friends with me? I'm confused? um wait. I know. That's because you suck and you need to be friend with me because I'm cool so that you can be cool too. You're using me? Oh my God!"

"what the hell are you saying y/n?! what ever haha"

you both finally arrived. 

"Alright. You ready?" 

you smile and nod. "Let's go"

He holds your hand so people will think that you both are actually on a date.

Ash orders  fish and chips for both of you. And vanilla milkshakes. 

"Do you know that any friendship that exceeds the 7 year mark is more likely to last entire lifetime?" You know that Ash said that just to bring up the conversation. A 'serious' conversation. You laugh, "And?" he laughs too, "Well, we've been friends for 7 years and we'll last forever." you see the waiter is coming to your table with fish and chips. "Ah! My food! This is my 7 years bestfriend. Me and this, we'll last forever. Ha!" he pouts and laughs. 

On your way to Ash's car, you bumped into 4 girls. And you recognize them all. One of them is Ash's ex, Jasmine. 

"Hey, Ash! How are you?" her smile is adorable. No wonder he fell in love with her. She waves to you. You smile...

"Um hey! I'm good. What are you doing here?" 

"Well, just having dinner. Are you dating y/n now? Oh great! That's great! She's so beautful oh god."

Ash smiles. He puts his hand around your shoulder which make you put yours on his waist. You smile to her. 

"Uh we need to go. See you later, Jaz."

"See you! See you, y/n!"

You continue walking to Ash's car. 

You get in. "So, Ash. Do you still love her? Like, nothing has changed since you guys broke up and she's still single and all. You get the chance."

Ash fakes a smile. You know he still loves her. You know that exactly. And you know that it hurts him everytime he sees Jaz. 

You hug him. You know he's hurt. He's still hurts.

"I can't. Alright. Hey...."

you look at him. He seems a bit confused and it's weird because you never saw him this confused. "What's up, Ash?"

He looks down, "I know it will probably hurt you so much. And I know that you'll think I'm mean but can we try, y/n?"

Now it's you who's confused, "try what?"

"can we just try to date and be in a relationship? Please?"

You smile and laugh, "WHat?! Hahaha what's wi--"

He kisses you. He cups your face. There's nothing you can do but to kiss him back. 

You both pull away. 

"Yes okay we can try."

Ash smiles so wide that you can see his dimples. His lovely dimples.

"Why didn't I say this earlier?! Stupid me."

You laugh "you are stupid, Ash."

Damn this doesn't turn out good but okay haha

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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