The Beginning of the End

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There I was laying on the concrete in an alley way with a bullet in my stomach. It felt like a dream but it wasn't. I thought to myself, what did I do to deserve this.

*4 weeks before*

Ah. Back to school at last. I hope this school year is better than last year. I hear a distant scream and then I felt hands wrap around me. "Stacy! Hi. How was your summer" my best friend Kelsey says to me. "Let go of me. You know I hate it when you do that." I tell her. We spend about fifteen minutes together until the school bell rings. I tell her bye and walk to class.

English, ugh, I hate English. As I walk to class I can't help but notice Jackson, the school bully, staring at me in the doorway of the classroom. "Hey Stacy." He says. I whisper to him, "get the fuck out of the way." "Or what." He says in a rude tone. "Or I'll kick your ass." I snap back talking a little louder. He snickers. I say to myself, nows my chance. I punch him in the gut and run as fast as I can.

He yells at his possey, "GET HER!!" They start to chase me. That's when I run into my crush, Carlos. I fall down and drop all of my things. As the bullies run up to me. They grab the collar of my shirt and pick me up. Just then Carlos steps in and tells them to back off or he'll tell a teacher. They laugh and drop me. They grab him by the arm and throw him to the ground and start kicking him. I ran as fast as I could and tell the principal. He put the four boys, including Jackson, in detention. I help Carlos to the nurses office. She sends him home and sends me back to class.

As the goes on, I think of what's going to happen to me after school. All these possibilities keep running through my head. Beat up or worse killed. A roumor had been going around saying that Jackson had killed someone last year. I told myself I didn't believe it, but  brain said otherwise.  I pulled out my phone and text Kelsey.

Me- Hey

Kelsey- Whats up

Me- Can I ride home with you today

Kelsey- You know you don't have to ask. But may I ask why?

Me- Jackson and his gang. I'm scared of what they are gonna do to me

Kelsey- Hahaha. Yes you can ride with me

Me- Thanks : *

The end of the day is finally here. I wait for Kelsey at her locker. As soon as I see her I thank her again for letting me ride with her. She pulls all of her things out of her locker and shuts it. As we walk out Jackson and his gang are sitting by the exit waiting. I grab Kelsey's hand and ask, "Can we go out the side exit." She doesn't question anything she just turns around and we head out. When we get to Kelsey's car I can still see Jackson's gang waiting for what i thoght was me. I get nervous and run to her car and tell her to unlock it quick. She complies and unlocks the car. I let a sigh of relief when I get inside and shut the door. When she gets in she snickers and asks, "What was that all about?" I tell her, "Just start the damn car." We pull out of the parking lot like a speeding bullet.

We arrive at my house. I give her thanks once again and open the door. I run to my house as fast as I can. When I get inside I lock the door, run upstairs and shut my door. "Phew." I say as I hop on my bed and cheak my messages. Sadly I have none. I fall asleep within an hour.

The End of HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now