1. No over powering character. If you make s-class one ur weakest of the s-class group
2. No swearing but if so sensor it
3. Try be engaging with the fairy tail character please. I don't want sitting there doing nothing it just be boring.
4. Play as some of fairy tail characters to. Help out there just little bit
5.Tag me after 2 hours if I don't get back to u I will get back to u.
6.no bullying
7 You have to lose every once in while so u can improve same goes for my oc
8 Tell me if ur leaving the rp or taken a break let me know. If u don't I'll tag u in the rp to keep going.
9.Can't be kid of a ships like Natsu and Lucy this where there all in there teens at age 17 and
10 No PS4 or Xbox I guess I'll let have phones but keep to a minimum on it and only if u want have phone. I like keep rp pretty close to anime and manga.
11. Be creative with ur magic
12. First or 3rd you can do doesn't matter to me
13. Have fun to