Serene Singing

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BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm wakes me from my slumber. I grumble and roll over, hitting my alarm with a fist. My feet hit the cold wood, sending a shiver up my spine from the immediate temperature change. I grab my robe from the door and head downstairs to make breakfast.

The lights are all off, signaling that I was the only one awake. The boys had a habit of leaving the lights on wherever they went. Opening the fridge I pondered what to make. Since I'm the first one awake, I guess I should make them all breakfast.

After sifting through the fridge I finally decided on scrambled eggs and bacon. A classic breakfast. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I grab a pan, a bowl, and the eggs. After cracking the eggs into the bowl, I added some light seasoning before whisking them. Next, I poured the eggs into the pan and start cooking.

I have a habit of singing while cooking, so I bust out singing whatever was on my mind. I didn't even notice how loud I was. I stirred the eggs, making sure they don't stick to the bottom. 

"You say that you love me!" My voice reaching a loud volume. Somehow though, I forgot the fact the boys were asleep.

"You got the best of me!" The parts I didn't know I just hummed.

Once the eggs were cooked, I started on the bacon. I laid the meat strips into the grease, backing away so I didn't get splashed. Now it was just merely waiting. While I was waiting I decided to continue my song.

"You got the best of me. You got the best of me. So please don't leave me. You got the best of me!" I crescendo over the last note, holding it with a fermata. 

The bacon finally finished cooking, filling the kitchen with the smell of grease. I collected everything onto plates and was planning on setting the table. I turned to face the table only to be greeted by the five boys and Diana. I jumped and almost dropped the food I was holding.

"What the hell?!" I said, still gasping a bit from the scare.

"Your singing..." Damien trailed off.

"It's simply beautiful, miss," James said, picking up where his brother left off.

"Ya, you woke us all up on the top floor with its beauty," Matthew said.


"That doesn't explain why you're here Diana," I said tapping my foot.

"I... I was in the neighborhood..." Diana said, blushing profusely.

"Okay then..." I said, at a loss for words."

"We really didn't mean to startle you, princess," Erik said, a slight look of embarrassment on his face.

"Ya.." Said Sam.

"Well, moving past that... Do you all want some food?" I asked holding out my plates slightly.

"Would love some." They all agreed as they sat down at the table for breakfast, even Diana. What weirdos, all of them were in some sort of trance from my voice.

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