Joe and Iris

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*This first one is about Joe's reaction to Iris telling him that she is pregnant.*

"Hey Dad!" Iris greeted her father as she walked into his house after work.
"Hey sweetheart! This is a surprise! I thought you'd be at home. What brings you over here?" Joe replied with a joyful grin on his face.
"A daughter can't just stop by to see her old man after work?" They both chuckled a little.
"Well of course she can but I know you well enough to know that you have a reason for being here, so what's up?" The room immediately got silent and tense and Joe had a slightly concerned look on his face. Iris wanted to tell her father the amazing news and she wanted to celebrate with him but deep deep down, she was terrified to find out how he would react given the fact that her and Barry aren't even married yet. "Baby, is everything ok? Are you and Barry alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, everything is fine with Barry and I, great actually! That's actually why I'm here."
Joe was extremely confused. He didn't understand what was going on or what his daughter was talking about.
"Dad...." she paused, what for Joe, felt like forever. "I'm pregnant."
There was so much tension in the room and on top of that, the room was so quiet you could here a pin drop. Joe and Iris sat in this silence for multiple minutes. Until finally, Joe broke the silence.
"I...I'm going to bed a grandpa?"
"Yeah, you are Dad!" Iris squeezed out a smile trying to lighten the mood, but as she looked up at her father, he was grinning ear to ear.
"I'm going to be a grandfather." Joe let out a joyful sigh as he smiled back at his daughter.

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