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Two girls would dream in far away places. They would dream about love and magic. They didn't care about gender or anything like that. They both just wanted someone to hold and share magic. One of the girls learned to use ice magic. The other learned to use fire magic. They learned magic but still lacked love.

So one started walking to the sun and the other walked to the moon. They walked for days till one day they meet at the top of a small hill under the solar eclipse. They both said, "hi" as they sat down and set up a pick-nick.

Soon they started teaching each other magic. They talked everyday till one day both of them said, "I love you" at the same time.After that they learned the best magic is made when they share a kiss. 

They never forgot and some say they are the soul reason the solar eclipse happens. Some say that its them reacting the day that they met. But what ever the case they are why true love is real.

(I did not write this I edited and uploaded it for my bestest (if that's even a word) in the world. my friend, Anastasia, wants people to read her story's but doesn't want a watt-pad, i don't know why though. I know my story's right now are only one-shots but i'm working on a couple chapter books right now. bye my beautiful readers)

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