Seth Rollins (Colby)

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Seth: Heeeeyyy!

You: Sethie!

S: Did you see Wrestlemaina?????

Y: Wouldn't miss it fur the world! Loved the match

S: and....???

Y: the masks....the attires....

S: theres my guuuurrrl!

Y: you sound like the girl by spelling it like that.

S: sry. cnt help it!!! still exciiiitedds!!!

Y: might wanna check your spelling.

S: hush child.

Y: Child?

S: yup

Y: my god.

S: is meeeee!

Y: I praise you. *bows*

S: hahahahahaah

Y: you're such a girl.

S: yeahhh totally! hey I gotta go. going to celebrate with Ro and Ambro.

Y: Ambro? that's new

S: yeahh.. bye you!

Y: see ya

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