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One. No, two. Maybe four casualties? I couldn't tell. All I can do at the moment was hope. Hope for the bullets to not penetrate the cargo train we jumped into. We are almost to the airport and most of us are already at our limit. Gunfire riddled in the sky as if a warzone had taken place at the crossroads. The one clear sky had now became an ominous smog waiting to choke out whoever dared breathe in its oxygen. Us four, we're on the run. Perhaps there were eight of us? That's what the "leader" of our group said. That explained a lot I suppose. Usually I would be the one in our circle to keep the peace in a situation like this but now my mind is scattered. Just like the stray bullets that threatened to take us away from this nightmare.

"She's bleeding out!" cried one of our members. I forgot his name but he was supposed to be the toughest one out of us all. Even the strongest could break when the time comes. The leader glared at him with a rather sinister intent, setting the other guy off into a rage. "Didn't you hear me? She needs help!" He gets up and storms toward him, only to be stopped by another woman. She appeared to have blonde hair. "Now's not the time for fighting. Marcus knows that she can hold out long enough until we get to the airport, right Nyx?" The bulky man's stare shot right through her, towards our "Alpha". "The least he could do is feel some sort of sympathy for us. You gotta agree with me on this Dorian!"

I turned from Nyx and looked at the bulky man. I felt like I was unable to speak or do anything, but I had no idea why that may be. Quietly, I heard Nyx cry as the other three argued amongst themselves. Never had I felt so powerless in my life. None of my medical tools could help her. Her death was inevitable. Nanotechnology may of been a thing, but no one in our resistance could afford to use it all at once, and believe me when I say that we've wasted it on the wrong people.

"If you're dissatisfied, why don't you spare me the trouble and toss her off the train? She's a traitor, Kain. Perhaps if you had at least half a brain then you'd know the Code of Conduct within this squad by now."

At that very moment, I just knew the world would be turned upside down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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