Chapter 1

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(In South Korea, the surname comes first, so in standard English instead of "Kim Ha-yun, it would be "Ha-Yum Kim, but that's what Google said so please inform me if I'm wrong :>)

The young woman was gushing over the two babies as her husband drove the highway, a smile on his face. "Bo-Gyeong! Their so cute!" She smiled, booping their noses softly.

Neither of the two babies were related by blood, but now they were both into the Kim family, with their adoptive father being Kim Bo-Gyeong and adoptive mother being Kim Ha-Yun.

"I know sunshine, we finally managed to fill out the adoption forms." Bo-Gyeong chuckled, finally happy to have a family of his own. His wife suffered problems with her ovaries, which led her to not be able to have kids, and after desperstly wanting children, they decided on adoption. 

The couple adopted two children, Park Min-Jun, and (L/N) (Y/N), but now it was Kim Min-Jun and Kim (Y/N). Min-Jun had been blessed with soft, pale skin and softer black hair, as well as rich chocolate eyes at birth. (Y/N) had been born with soft (H/C) hair, and gorgeous (E/C) eyes. Ha-Yun made sure the two were secured safely in their respective baby seats, both swaddled with blankets as they slept away. 


"Ah shit!" You screamed, losing balance and falling off your (F/C) bike, bringing your arms in front of you to block your fall. You fell on the sidewalk with a bad scrape on your knee and two scrapes on your arms. You forced yourself into a sitting position, making sure your black ruffled skirt covered what it needed to. You noticed your bike, fallen over, a dent on one of the handle bars. Avoiding the sight of blood on you, you tried reducing the pain the best you knew how.

Swearing and screaming.

A string of curses escaped your mouth, loud enough for your neighbors to hear, and although it did distract you from the pain, it didn't help your wounds at all. 

But it did get the attention of brother dearest. 

"(Y/N)!" Min-Jun screamed, almost scared at all the blood. He abandoned his bycicle to come to your aid, despite you refusing his help. You tried kicked him with your good leg, (only to completely miss him) and started cursing again. "I'm fucking 13! I don't need your damn help!" You snapped, trying to stand only for your brother to make you sit back down on the pavement. 

"Okay, you're 13, but I'm 14, which makes me older." Min-Jun retorted, sticking his tongue out as he grabbed two bandaids from his jacket pocket, unwrapping them and gently applying them to the two scrapes on your left arm. "We still have to wash them, so it's not permanent." He said, noticing how your face fell.

Washing scrapes meant antiseptic, which hurt like a bitch.

He stood up and backed away a step, before outstretchinf his hand for you to take it. Being the stubborn kid you are, you insisted on standing up by yourself. As you rose to your feet, you nearly fell from how much the scrape hurt. "Damnit.." You hissed under your breath, before Min-Jun forcibly put his arm around your shoulder and instinctively your arm was latched around his side to make sure you didn't fall forward. The walk back inside the apartment was silent as you limped on one foot along.


Min-Jun made you sit on the bathroom counter while he was finding the antiseptic. You felt like a child about to get a shot at the doctors office as he searched through the closet. "Got it!" He chirped up, walking over to see your nervous form. Almost ingoring you, Min-Jun poured some of the antiseptic onto a cottonball, before peeling off the bandaid from your arm infuriatingly slow. "Can you hurry up!" You snapped, making him pause. "Ah sorry~ I just don't want this to hurt." He smiled, before ripping the bandaid off harshly, the noise of tape being ripped echoing throughout the small bathroom. "Min-Jun!" You screamed, only for him to apply the cottonball onto the scrape, and it stung.

He did this again for your other scrape until he got to your knee. He examined it a bit before taking off your red sneakers. "What are you doing??!" You snapped, shaking your foot in an attempt to make him stop. Min-Jun quickly responded to this by grasping your ankle in both hands, applying a lot of pressure. "The scrape on your knee is too big for a cotton bud, I need to pour the antiseptic on, and I don't want to ruin your shoes." He said, making eye contact. You never liked this side of your brother, the side where he would be stoic and lack emotion. You didn't protest as he took off your shoes and socks, and you had to bite back your laughter as it did tickle.

"Now stand in the bathtub." Min-Jun ordered, setting your shoes aside. "Excuse me?" You questioned, hopping off the bathroom counter. "Well I can't let all this antiseptic onto the floor, Mom would kill me." He laughed, lightening the mood.

You were just lucky to be wearing a skirt that reach your knees, lest it would make for an awkward experience. As your brother poured the antiseptic over your bloody knee, you had to blink away the tears of pain. It really hurt. After what seemed like forever, he stopped pouring. The bathtub was fizzing with the antiseptic that fell inside, and your knee was practically white. "All better!" Min-Jun smiled proudly, applying a large bandaid to your right knee. "Thanks." You smiled sarcastically, tiptoeing out the bath and into your room. 

Min-Jun watched your retreating form before turning his attention to the two bloody bandaids on the counter. With the swipe of his finger he got some of your dried blood onto his index. He swiped it over his tongue, a smile forming on his features. 

Just as he remembered it.

He didn't know when this all started, but it was probably a year ago, when he turned 13. Min-Jun assumed it was just puberty, but the more he ignored these thoughts the worse they got. He just wanted to be closer with you, to protect you, to feel you, to taste you..

But Min-Jun couldn't let himself do this. You were his sister for fucks sake! Its gotta be puberty.. She's the only actual girl I know.. Its gotta be that.. 


Ha-Yun couldn't believe it. She wouldn't. How fucking dare he! She thought bitterly, tears threatening to fall. There, her husband, Kim Bo-Gyeyong was, having sex with some slut in the closed office.

Her husband was a miser, hated spending money, and worked at a fairly good office as assistant manager. Ha-Yun had been on her way to bring him some of his favorite chocolate and flowers to celebrate his promotion, since he was supposed to  leaving work soon. 

But instead she saw her husband with another girl, who had to have been at least 10 years younger, the two just going at it on his desk. They didn't seem to notice Ha-Yun dropping the roses as she ran out of the building as fast as she could, making sure to drop her wedding ring on the way out

Bandaid (Yandere! Brother X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora