Insta meet

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*Edit: Okay,, im doing this for myself not for you so dont get happy you have the spot light on you just yet hun. (Meant for someone i knew btw all the names are changed so you can guess whose who )

So let me tell you a story a great one actually it wont end happily though sorry; *
Pov: Stella
It's 7am November 19, 2015 im online schooled but i still get up at 7 which is a pain always. Little did i know that day was gonna change my world so much. I got ready and headed out to the library to study and do my schooling, while it was only 9am and i got time on my hands I scrolled through Instagram. I followed this fan account about phan and 5sos even though i was wasn't really into them i still followed. She posted a lovely post about Michael Clifford it was a cute picture, so i liked it and read the bio it said "Does anyone else sit alone at lunch or is that just me?". It was relatable to me too so i thoughtfully (haha thoughtfully) commented back little did i know the library was finally opened so i clicked off Instagram and went inside. I opened my laptop and opened up k12 for my school work, i heard a ding from my phone before i even got to my work it was from the fan account @ idk5sauce and commented back with joy! I was so excited to see someone happy before! After awhile of commented on her post constantly she dmed me about an hour after by then i wasnt complete done with my school work but avoided it all to talk to her. We dmed all summer 24/7 we exchanged numbers and everything her name was Jayleen she was so amazing and nice and we bonded perfectly! She was also my age and everything!

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