Batman the Cat (Original)

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to care for her. Her name was Jasmine and her collar was pink and had rhinestones. Her tags were old and one was a heart and the other was shaped like Texas. Her owner passed away when she was a kitten so she roamed the alley as a kitten. Somebody injured her that day and broke her leg and after that, she limped. Then a dog bit off her right ear. She had a fluffy tail and one eye was blue, the other was green. One day, she had a litter of 5 kittens. The kitten’s names were Smokey, Speckles, Cheetos, Geo, and Johnson. Johnson was the biggest kitten and was a pitch black day, when the kittens had grown up; Johnson asked his mother an important question. He asked that day, “Mother, can I go on my own now?” his mother was sad that they were already leaving. “Well, she began “I was about to let you go anyway, so sure.” Johnson licked his mother and walked away. He loved his mother dearly but he knew this day would soon come and it did. So he walked on farther and farther.

And that’s how the story of Batman the cat began.

Johnson walked along and found a secret hideout and went inside it. It looked like a super villain hideout. Just then a scary beat up dog came from the corner. “Oh a visitor!" he evilly said. Then while still staring at Johnson, he hit a red button and a medal board came up from behind Jhonson and he fell on the board. Then 5 straps came up and straped his front and hind paws and his tail. Johnson struggled to get free but… no use then the creepy dog walked over to Johnson and started talking about what will happen to him. Johnson wasn’t listening instead he saw his collar and it said, “MEAN JOKER”. Joker didn’t sound so nice. Suddenly, Joker pulled a lever and 2 giant ray guns poked up over Johnson. Joker started laughing evilly and Johnson was struggling. “Oh don’t be restless… it only makes it worse!” yelled Joker. Then Joker pulled another lever and the 2 ray guns started vibrating and they zapped a type of potion. Joker watched the poor cat struggle and whispered to himself, “Poor cat. But at least he’ll be my minion!” Suddenly, the ray guns stopped and joker walked over to Johnson. Joker gasped. “You’re not an evil minion; you’re a super hero kitty!” Joker was ashamed of himself. “I swear I put the villainy potion in those guns!” “Well you didn’t.” said a deep, strong voice. “Who said that?” yelled Joker. “I did you slob!” yelled Johnson. Joker looked up at the ceiling. There perched like a bird on the rafters was a Smokey black cat with a mask and cape. It was Johnson. ”What in the world!” yelled Joker “How did you get up there!” Johnson looked at his claws. “I don’t know, how bout’ you as yourself that question!” joker was fed up with all this. “Get down here!!!” screamed Joker. “FINE.” yelled Johnson. Johnson swooped down. “Ok, now I’ll have to kill you!” yelled Joker. “If you can!” yelled Johnson. Johnson was tired and didn’t want to fight with a psychotic dog right now. So he flew up to the rafters and found his way out. After that, he called himself Batman because his symbol was a black bat.

Johnson or we should say Batman walked on but didn’t know where he was going. Just then he saw a strange cat. It was light green with furry scales, big light green wings and red spikes all down his back and tail and had very sharp claws and teeth. Batman was terrified but he walked over to the strange cat. Batman gulped and said, “H- hi.” Batman closed his eyes very tight. He knew this would be the end of him. “Oh, hello little one where are you from, what’s your name, why are you here!!!?”  Asked the cat. The cat spoke super-fast and was hyper like he had drunk a soda with strong caffeine. Batman opened one eye and stared at the cat. The strange cat grinned big. Batman slowly said, “I’m Batman.”  “Batman?” asked the cat, “You’re batman the greatest super hero of human kind?” “wait, as you can see, I’m a cat!" “Yah… and I am a cat too!” yelled the hyper cat. Batman whispered to himself, "What an idiot!" “And who are you?” asked Batman. “I’m Koca the cat dragon!” “Interesting.” Said Batman. “So where am I?’ “Why you’re in Gotham city or also called New York!” this cat was crazy and hyper but Batman liked him. Koca was a different type of cat because someone too serious was boring and Batman liked that kind of people. Hyper, kind, and crazy! Batman stared at koca who was still grinning like a chipmunk. Batman smiled. “Koca, I think this is the beginning of a great friendship.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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