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“Okay now. Listen carefully, I need these nine people to step forward” the woman in black clothes screamed out, catching everybody’s attention.

You could feel the tension in the room.

Everyone had been turned down by the judges and every person was taking it differently. Some were crying hard while either staring at the wall or talking to somebody nearby. Several were just blacking out while various people were on their phones talking to their families. And a number of people were like me, just sitting there and feeling sorry for themselves.

We all wanted to go to the judges houses, to be that one step closer to our dreams. But everyone couldn’t go to next round. In order for someone to win, everyone else had to lose. That’s just how it is.

Nonetheless it was hard to take in. Someone just claimed that you weren’t good enough for this competition. Please, I've had plenty of people telling me that back at home. However, I could still hear my dad’s encouraging words in my head.

Now that this woman had come into the room, I could tell that she felt sorry for us; her face gave it all away. But I didn’t want anybody’s pity. I’ll be getting a lot of it when I get back home anyways …

She just probably wanted those nine people to do some interviews. She wanted them to tell millions of people that they felt like losers. How it hurt to hear somebody say that you’re not good enough. The whole world is watching too, seeing your failure. They saw you getting your hopes up and then get a reality check by the judges.

“Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan” she started to say. The blonde guy beside me looked up, clearly surprised.

His eyes were red and puffy and he breathed deeply.He and two other guys walked and stood beside the woman. They all looked down at the carpet, obviously not wanting to do those interviews. Poor guys.

“Geneva Lane, Louis Tomlinson and Melody Jamaal” she continued to read the list in her hands. She called out three other names too, but I didn’t bother to listen after my name had been said.

I groaned inwardly, knew that I would break down if somebody talked to me about how I felt, let alone see camera’s right in front of me.

As we all walked out of the door and began to walk down a corridor, to where the stage was, I got lost in my thoughts. How did it end up like this? My family gave up a lot to give me this chance.

You see, even though I’m in London for The X Factor I don’t live in The UK, or Ireland for that matter. I lived in Sweden.

Just like everybody here, I had dreamt to be a singer for a very long time. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and that was to write and sing music. I’ve always been interested in writing. But the problem was that the talent shows in Sweden aren't that big, and the winner and the contestants were often forgotten after a few months.

For a better chance I entered The X Factor here in England. I couldn’t come here on my own, my older sister, had to come with me. The plane ticket and hotel weren’t cheap. I had to use a lot of my savings and my dad was paying a lot too.

He is an angel, the most supporting person in my life.

My dad, I wondered how he would react when I told him. I was afraid to call home, because then... It’ll all be real. Me not going any further than this  ...

“So the judges are waiting for you guys at the stage”, the woman said when we got to behind the stage-curtains.

Cameras were filming us now.

Forbidden to Love [unusual1D fanfiction] - rewritingWhere stories live. Discover now