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Buckys P.O.V
"Alright buck, doors open." I heard Nat say through my earpiece.The mission was simple;rescue HY23, and run like hell.
Nat was able to hack into HYDRA systems and unlock the main entrance. I have to do this in one hour,before the reboot systems kick in. If I wasn't out before then, I'd be locked in.

I made my way down the haunting walls of my old prison. I knew this place well,
To well.
I finally got to the subjects quarters, long,dark halls filled with plants or animals that had been abused.
Sometimes there were people inside those rooms.
Each door only had one thick glass window that you could see through. Before walking down to room number HY23, I looked in some of the doors,
Not one of them were there.
Was I to late? Was HY23 gone?
I ran to HY23 and looked through the glass,
Oh no.
Oh god no...
I look to see HY23 was there,
But HY23 was a little girl,
A little girl in a corner, sobbing quietly.
I completely lost it.
I smashed the door knob with my metal fist and opened the door.
I knew HYDRA was shallow, but this was sick.

I slowly walked in,trying not to scare her. She stopped crying and started shaking violently."P-Please, don't put another needle in me." She said weakly."No! I'm here to get you out of here." I said tenderly. All I wanted to do was grab her and hug her till worlds end.
But I had to get her out.
And fast.
She slowly looked up to me;her face was a bit sunken in, and her face was so dirty you could see clean streaks running down her face from the tears. "Yo-you promise?" She asked,her eyes sparking with hope."promise."I said. She held her arms out so I could pick her up, she was to light, way to light to be her age.
I looked at my watch
1 minute left
"Hold on." I said. she wrapped her arms and legs around me and Held on for dear life. Damn she was strong. I ran as fast as I could to the entrance.
I finally saw the end of the hall
I jump and landed on my back in the cold,soft snow, with the little girl clutching me tightly.
The door shut by itself and sirens started wailing
We've got to get out of here!

I ran even more till my legs couldn't carry me or her. I was able to get to town. Currently we were somewhere in Slovakia. I stoped I mile or so from the town "thank you." I heard her whisper. She was sitting on a stump.
I needed her to change
1:it's cold 2:her white little shirt was spotted with blood.
I was able make it to the place I hide my stuff; food,water,cloths and a couple of guns. I searched in my bag for some clothes. I came out with a jacket that was big on her, but it would keep her warm. Her white pants weren't as dirty as her shirt, so it looked normal,
And freaking adorable. "So uh,what's your name?" I asked "Kate, what's yours?" She was smiling.smiling."Bucky." I said, smiling back. l never really admitted that I loved kids to Stevie. But I know Steve loves kids.God how I missed my boyfriend
Yes I'm dating captain America.
But one thing is for sure,I will not let HYDRA touch the people that I love. And I will NOT let those sick bastards get ahold of Kate


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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