Luckier Than You Will Ever Know

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Hello loves! Here is just a little one shot of the Traynor family. It will probably be one chapter. (If you want more please let me know because I love writing this family!) I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think!

"Calm down baby boy, Daddy and uncle Nathan are almost ready." I kept saying trying to calm down a very tired and hungry Noah. We had just moved into our new house that Will and myself designed ourselves from the ground up not only to fit Wills needs, but also to fit our style. We had chosen a plot of land right by the castle on the Traynor property that was somewhat hidden away, but close to family. The house itself was exactly what you would expect it to look like with Will and I designing it. It was a two story house with an elevator that Will could use to get up and down. The outside was a grey-blue color almost like Wills eyes and the lower half was covered in stone. The inside was also a very light grey, but with pops of color and pattern. Will had chosen for the trim to be white and the wall color to be very simple so my what he calls unique sense of style would stand out and bring the color into the house. It was exactly what we had envisioned and would fit our family of 3 and Nathan if need be just right. Everything was accessible to Will and voice recognition was set up throughout the house so Will was able to turn on and off lights, tv, and other appliances in the house.

"Look he's right there baby boy." I said as I gently placed Noah on Wills lap as he pulled up beside me. "Now why is my little guy crying?" He asked placing little kisses on Noah's head. "He did not have the best night and I don't think he feels the best." I said gently carding Wills bed head. "Well I think today would be the perfect day to be lazy and finish unpacking isn't it baby boy."  Will said smiling at his son. "I think that sounds perfect" Nathan said come down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I had neglected to unpack the boxes because of the stress I was feeling just looking at them. We didn't have many because we left most of it at the annex and bought all new furniture and decorations to match the new home but the boxes we did have were big and a project I was not ready to take on. The day we moved in was dedicated to unpacking all of Wills medical equipment and medications and put in their new home so Will would be able to move in and have all the supplies he needed. It was a tedious task, but after the help of Nathan it got done. Today was the day we would all stop living out of boxes.

My Mum and Camila came over to help us unpack and help watch Noah, Will was in the kitchen watching Noah eat his breakfast as I opened the door for our mums to come in. We said our hellos and walked into the kitchen to see not only Noah covered in applesauce, but also Will who was grinning from ear to ear.

"What in the world happened in here?" I heard Mum say as she rushed over to Noah to take away his food. "Noah was not having breakfast today a decided that he would throw it and it just so happened I was in the line of fire." Will said trying to stifle a laugh. "We will get Noah ready for the day." My mum said with Camilla agreeing beside her "and you can get Will cleaned up Love."

Will and I went up to our room so I could clean him up and change his shirt. As we were in the bathroom and me trying to get Will cleaned up I could see Will was not smiling anymore. "Will?" I asked as I slipped off his shirt. "I'm sorry." He said unable to even look up at me. "Why are you sorry?" I asked not even trying to hide my confusion. "That I can't do anything but sit and watch as other people clean up messes that a dad should be able to do himself." Ever sense we found out I was pregnant with Noah, Will had had a hard time with not being able to do what he called "normal dad things." He had his good days, but today it seemed like one of his very rare bad days.

"William John Traynor look at me. You are the best Daddy that Noah could ever ask for, he doesn't see a man in a wheelchair all he sees is his daddy who would do absolutely anything in his power to keep him safe and happy." I said as I slipped onto his lap

"But I Can't do anything. I can't even hold my own son." He said trying to hide the tears that had started falling down his face. "I don't want Noah one day to resent me for not being able to do the things that other fathers are able to do. He deserves better."

I gently slipped off his lap and placed his wheelchair on manual and wheeled him into our bedroom. I then walked out of the room to find Noah and his grandmothers in his nursery playing with a stuffed monkey Will thought Noah needed before he was even born. I picked up my baby boy and walked out of the room without saying a word. As I made my way back to our room I could hear Will softly sobbing and as I opened the door I found him looking out the window. I walked over to him and turned the chair around and placed Noah on Wills lap.

Noah was so in tuned with his daddy that he stood up on Wills lap and started to place slobbery kisses on his daddy's cheeks. This only made Will sob even harder, but soon calmed down to place small kisses on his sons head. Wills breathing was shallow and I noticed he was having a hard time catching his breath, I took Noah off Wills lap and placed him on the bed and then transferred Will to his side of the bed. I then started the process of clearing Wills lungs and within minutes he was breathing better. Noah crawled over to Wills side of the bed and laid his little head in Wills heart. It was an action that made my heart melt in about a million different ways.

Walking out of the bedroom to tell both our mums that we would be in a bedroom for a while I heard a very low almost a whisper "I love you my little boy." I came back to our room about fifteen minutes later to hear Will talking to his son.

"I'm sorry that I will never be like any of your friends dads and that I am unable to do the things that I so desperately want to do, but I can promise you this, I will do anything and everything I can to make you proud to say that I am your daddy." And with tears in my eyes I walked to our bed and crawled under the covers next to my boys.

"Will Traynor this little boy right here has absolutely no clue how lucky he is to have you as a daddy." And with that Noah shot his head up and started babbling away. For the rest of the afternoon, we spent it as a little family playing with Noah and enjoying the time together.

The boxes were never unpacked that day, but I would rather live out of boxes the rest of my life than miss the little moments with my boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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