journal entry 01

19 0 0

September 14th


I never really cared much for Pokemon. Just sort of found them as an annoyance. All my friends want to be Pokemon trainers. Really badly too. Well I don't. Pokemon stink.

I have a lot of stuffed animals. I love stuffed animals. Of course most of them have to be Pokemon stuffed animals. It seems like all the merchandise in this world revolves around Pokemon. But I do have a few rare bear stuffed animals. No, not Teddiursa or Beartic. Just little bears. I have a brown one, and a black one, and a white one.

One day when I was six, I took my bears into the woods next to our town for a picnick. My friend Lilly had seen me, and instead of stopping me like my older brother would- Telling me it was dangerous- She asked if she could join.

I said yes.

She told me to wait and went back in her house. Soon she came back with three bunny stuffed animals. Not Bunnelby's or Bunneary's. Just soft bunnies, a yellow one, a white one, and a brown one.

We headed out that morning, it had rained the evening before, and the air was heavy is moisture. Dew settled on the grass so I had packed a blanket to sit on. I always loved these kinds of mornings. Some people don't because the sky is gray and  clotted with clouds, but that's the bird Pokemon's problem.

After we had breached the entrance, guarded by tree's with creamy brown trunks and elegant pink petals bursting from their crown's like fire works, I remember just standing there and taking it all in. Flowers danced in the air and preformed beautiful acrobatics, encouraged by the wind. Dew drops hung in the curves of some of the fronds that clung to the tree's and glittered like crystals.

I had laid the blanket over a patch of emerald grass that clumped under the shade provided by one of the large magnificent trees. We sat there for over an hour probably... It was quite nice.

All my life I've been surrounded by people who admired Pokemon and would probably die to be a Pokemon trainer. Even many of my teachers had Pokemon, telling us that when they were our age they had gone on adventures with their Starly's that had evolved into Staraptors and now aided them in the passing out of papers and such.

Like I said though, I'm different. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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