The End.

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The day vanishes as night quickly creeps onto the land and covers everything in a heavy quilt of eery darkness.

What at first seems warm and comforting becomes cold and suffocating as it snatches the air from my lungs and encases me in its presence.

In the darkness, the familiar shapes of day morph into nightmarish shadows of evil intent; Menacing growls and mischievous cackles pour through sharp fangs in an uproar of chaos.

Inky blackness continues to leak into the world, bringing forth all of its evils and tragedies.

I try to resist as it thrashes and struggles, poking and prodding at my weaknesses, trying to take control of me.

It seems that there is no one left to save me, as everyone and everything has been taken.

Nothing remains as the darkness blocks out all existence and uses its fearsome strength to bend reality.

I stare into the nothingness around me, not sure of anything anymore, and realize how truly alone I am.

The darkness keeps taunting me and I wonder how much longer I will be able to survive its torment.

Suddenly, lights begin to flicker in the darkness; Fireflies make their presence known, resisting the plague that has been cast onto the Earth.

They remind me that I am not the only one at war with the darkness and from them I regain hope.

The silence is almost deafening in the increasing nothingness and I believe the fireflies are the only things keeping me sane.

I keep fighting as the darkness tugs at my legs; I hope that the fireflies are not the only light left in this dark and miserable world.

But, the darkness grows even further when the fireflies eventually fade and I become increasingly desperate for their return.

My legs feel fuzzy and my knees start to rattle as the incessant pulls on them continue and I start to give in to the force pulling me to the ground.

I find myself rambling, trying to fill the empty space around me as I feel myself fall to my knees.

Realization hits hard and I know for sure that the fireflies aren't coming back.

Praying for the night to end, I picture the sun glowing over the horizon and wish for day to come.

I gain hope from the image in my mind and decide that I will wait for the sun.

It doesn't appear as I wait for the sun's presence and I begin to wait for other things.

I wait for my suffering to end, to wake up from this horrible nightmare... to die.

Feeling helpless, I ponder if the sun will ever come back and I wonder if I will always be alone in this nightmare of a world.

Helpless and on my knees, I look up, grasping the reality of my fate.

The darkness invades my system and spreads throughout my body as I give in to its overwhelming power.

I fall backwards and the soft thud of my body echoing through the vast nothingness is the last coherent thing that I am aware of.

The last puff of air from my grey lips and the quiet impact of my body hitting the cold, dead ground are the last things to be heard before everything completely fades into the nothingness, and all is still and silent.

The gruesome scene of death disappears along with everything in existence and in this tale that is truly

The End.

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