I D O I T S |1|

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alyssa added eliza to the chat
alyssa added liv to the chat
alyssa added ava to the chat
alyssa added jihyo to the chat
alyssa added yoongi to the chat
alyssa added dahyun to the chat
alyssa added yixing to the chat

alyssa: hello bitches and hoes

liv: why didn't you add taehyung?

eliza: because she's an unloyal hoe
              ava named the chat idoits.
yoongi: can i leave the chat?

liv: will u be my daddy

yoongi: no

liv: there's your answer 😉

jihyo: i don't know half of the people here

eliza: well i'm the ji-hoe,,
eliza: i try :')
alyssa: *pat pat*

ava: y'all wish your relationships were as good as me and yixings

liv: do we
yoongi: do we
eliza: do we
dahyun: do we
jihyo: do we
alyssa: do we
yixing left the chat

ava: ...
ava: stan gfriend.

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