Chapter 1

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Angel's POV

"Today was a long day" I said as I walked in my house from work.

I was a Registered Nurse.

My phone rung and it was my big sister Asia.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey boo, what you doing"

"Just got home from work, tired as hell"

"I dont wanna hear that 'Im tired' shit, we about to go out"

"I dont want to go out Asia"

"Well you are tonight Angel..put on some clothes, I will be there in a hour"

She hung up the phone.

I sighed and went to take a shower.

After I got out, I put on my makeup and did my hair.

"What to wear" I said while going through my closet looking at clothes.

I picked out my pink dress and put it on.

I picked out my pink dress and put it on

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I heard a horn blow. I grabbed my purse and locked the door to my house.

I got in the car and Asia and Amber.

Amber was our little sister.

"Hey yall" I said.

"Damn Angel, who you trying to look good for" Amber asked.

I laughed. "Girl, I didnt even go all out foreal, this is just simple" I said.

"If thats a simple look to you, I wonder what a over the top outfit is" Asia said.

"Where are we going" I asked her.

"Keith Powers birthday party"

My eyes widened.

"Famous In Love Keith Powers? New Edition Keith Powers"

"Yep" Asia said.

"Wow, this is cool" I said


When we arrived to to party, It was blowed!

We saw celebrities in ever corner, girls was shaking their asses, the music was on point, and everyone was having a good time.

Love At First Sight -AlgeeSmith-Where stories live. Discover now