Chapter 1

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‘I’ve always known I’d see you again’ Helena said without even turning from her chair.

‘Did I become so sloppy?’ The woman smiled smugly at the rich sound of the newcomer’s voice.

‘A bit.’ He walked slowly, as if he was still trying to “surprise” her. He seemed to be in no hurry to see her face but he kept on staring at her golden locks. It was the same warm inviting rosy gold it has always been and it gave him the sort of false comfort he needed.

And why was it again that he came to see her? Undoubtfuly – he missed her but Legar was stronger than that. So why? With every step he felt his legs go numb, his mind go blank as he tried recalling why couldn’t he send another person, why did it frighten him so much to take another step towards the familiar woman. He wanted to retreat, to go back but he knew well he couldn’t. It was much too important and personal affairs were insignificant in the matter.

Finally he reached her. She was wearing a long dark green dress that made her even more dignified now than it did back in the old days. Her matching green eyes still stood out like rare gems on her light colored skin and somehow managed, amid all the beauty they carried, to have that sharp look they always did. All seemed to be just as it was, just the same as when he left her, even the place had not changed a bit. The same dull grey walls unfitting for her beauty, the same old rug that Legar sincierly believed was never pretty but it was supposed to be quite expensive. All the tasteless interior, unchanged throughout the years, just made the room look darker, more like a cell than it was supposed to be. Even the place he found her at - that old brown leather chair was where he left her all those years ago.

Legar sat down slowly on the stool in front of her and they stood in silence taking in the other person's look for a few long moments. Helena gripped the arm of the chair nervously and broke the silence:

“As expected you haven't changed a single bit.” Legar smiled bitterly wishing to reply the same but he could not lie. Her fair skin had gotten thin and it sagged off her bones. Her rose gold hair had silver threads mixed in which he intentionally avoided seeing when going up to her. She had gotten old. Time was unforgiving to her and seeing it up close finally made him realise it. He could no longer hide from it, banish it from his thoughts because it was standing right in front of him. He looked down from her face at the weak hand still gripping the arm of the chair and eagerly awaiting a response Legar could not bring himself to give. He looked up again to the dignified woman who would never admit that she was scared of looking at his still perfectly young body.

“I assume you’re not here mearly to visit me?” She said trying not to let the bitterness she felt creep into her voice for things were no longer as they were before and this was just normal and expected.

“Indeed, I am not.” He shook away all the emotions because there was no time for them now. He came to do something and he couldn’t go out until it's done. “They spotted a Thrineget near the Eastern borders.” A grim silence filled the room and all else was forgotten. Thrinegets were spider-like creatures but much more dangerous, vessels holding great power for when their master returns, harbringers of death. Them coming out meant a dark force has been awaken. Tragic events were bound to happen and a great battle was to be fought.

“Are you sure it’s a Thrineget? It could have been a black spider or another wild animal.”

“Raion has seen it. It’s here Helena and it's strong. I went there to investigate and I could still feel the vibrations. I don't think there is much time.”

“So what do you plan to do?” He fell silent yet again, this time out of a queer feeling of embarrassment.

“I need Leilung back.” He said finally. Leilung was his weapon – a magical chain of light gold. He gave it to her long ago when they were still young, when they finished their adventure, when they thought all dark forces were dealt with. Giving her the chain was to be his sign that he will be hers for eternity. Back then he believed he could endure anything for her and thought little of time. He couldn’t forsee the ugly selfishness that would go over him when things got harder. He could not protect her but he could not stay by her side to endure the consequences. Now after half a century he was back to take away all he ever gave her.

She reached to remove the chain from her neck. All those years she had been wearing it and it put daggers in his heart to see her give it back. He wanted to say her hands were shaking of old age but they weren’t.

“It was bad taste giving a chain as a gift anyway.” She said with a pained smile.

“Do you plan to go off again?” She asked him as he put Leilung in his pocket ashamed of what he had just done.

“I have to. It's not like back in the old days. Youngsters can’t even hold a sword properly. No one knows what danger this is for no one has seen what we have seen in our time.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be a “youngster” too?”

“No. You know I can not pretend to be one anymore. It all ended when…” His voice faltered and his will to continue talking faded.

“Let’s not talk about old times for they are long since behind us. I no longer hold a grudge for what you did. Seeing myself now I understand you. You can go. I do not want to keep you here when you so eagerly look at the door.” He awkwardly got up. She still had that demanding and powerful voice he could not dare defy. He walked towards the door and she kept on looking straight ahead. Suddenly he stopped.

“I never understood why you keep on looking that way.”

“What does it matter if I am to look at this wall or another wall? It's only walls here anyway.”

He took a final glance at her and left. After he closed the door he broke down in tears for he knew that a small tear rolled down her cheek as she said those final words.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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