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"Hey, Daisy?"
"What do you think about Alex?"
"Um...Well, I guess Rat is funny and.. nice."
Alex's POV
Hello, tiny audience in my head. My name is Alex. People mostly call me "Rat". The reason for this? Oh, well, you see, I got lost in the sewers when I was younger. Don't ask, I don't know how, but only a few people know this. The rest of them just call me "Rat" because that's what others call me.
Now, I have a small problem. I have this friend named Daisy, we've known each other since we were in diapers. And I'm, sort of, in love with her. I'm not really sure how to tell her, or how she'll react.
So, yeah...that's that...I'm going to go eat now.
Hello, this is my first story. I am well aware that it sucks. My "inspiration" for this story is above. The channel makes wonderful covers and songs. So, we'll see how it goes vfrom here. Byeee!

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