The start of something new

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The girl had been detained and everything was going according to plan. Aizen sat in his throne and thought to himself "did I miscalculate anywhere?" "Mess up somewhere?" He shook his head and grinned. "Of course not...I know what I'm doing and I have no regrets." He then turned his attention to the entrance of his chambers and watched as the girl entered. He smirked to himself as the outfit did look absolutely stunning on her. "So how may I help you Orihime?" She looked sad to be expected but... something was different, Aizen couldn't put his finger on it. Did he actually feel bad for her? She looked up at him with those beautiful orbs, a tear making its way down her cheek "I wanna go home...."

(If this gets even one like or comment or whatever I'll keep writing.... bondage and Sex is a must however so be prepared)

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