Chapter 1

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I emerge from the corner and slightly shake to soothe my tense muscles and walk over to my bed to see what outfit he picked. It was a white t-shirt, a black skirt, and gray thigh high socks. I didn't own shoes. I quickly got dressed with my white lacy undergarments and lightly curled my hair. He didn't lay out any hair bows so I didn't do anything else to it. I curled my lashes and put 3 light layers of mascara and a nude lip gloss. I put my black rose studs on and opened my door to go down for breakfast. I could smell the bacon as I quickly went down the stairs.

I put on a believable smile and sat down at the large white dining table. He put a black coffee cup in front of me. "Good morning daddy! Thank you for the coffee, breakfast, and clothes!" Daddy smiles and nods, accepting my gratefulness. I take a sip of the coffee and maintain my straight posture even though my back is hurting. He put a plate of food in front of me and sat down with his food. I thank him again and eat.

After we are finished, I clean up and begin cleaning the house, listening to the cd radio. He turned the radio down to tell me he was going to work and I was not to touch anything in his room. I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek. I need to keep him thinking I'm brainwashed. "Bye Daddy!!"

As soon as he disappears down the street, I run up the stairwell and carefully,enter his bedroom. "Where is that fucking key?" I mutter to myself and inspect his room, being careful to put his things the exact way he had it. I look in his closet, finding a small dagger. I could do some damage with this. I'll come back to it.

I go clean the house to his likings, read a little bit then goes back to his room, and holds the sharp dagger in my hand while I sit on his bed. I put the dagger back and leave. I'm reading when he came home and he doesn't look twice at me as he rushes up the stairs, and into his room, leaving the door open. "You fucking whore!" I flinch and get into a corner. "I told you to stay out of my fucking room!" I whimper and swallow nervously. He stomps out and sees me in the corner from the top of the stairwell. "You deserve to be punished!! Punish room, now!" I flinch and run into the punish room. He stomps in after me and straps me to a wooden board that's nailed to the wall. "D-Daddy please! I'm sorry!" I sob uncontrollably. I know that It would be worse than last time. He backhands me and I whimper. "Shut the fuck up, slut." I clamp my mouth shut as the tears stream down my pale face. This is going to be bad.

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