And That's How it Started

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There was no way out of this one. Nope. Not this time. Stiles stood there and he just listened. Derek had jumped through his window shortly after he got home. They had just taken down a particularly nasty witch who had a thing for fire, and Stiles being Stiles had done something that Derek thought was utterly stupid.

"You know you could have gotten hurt. You're just so...." Derek growled. Stiles could feel it more than hear it. "You are an idiot is what you are." Stiles stood there looking at Derek while his heart slammed into his chest, and his hands clinched. He was pissed. The wolf was about to open his mouth to berate Stiles more, when it happened. Stiles snapped.

"Why? Why? Why did I jump in front of you? Why did I pull you out of the way of the flames? Oh I don't know.... maybe because it should have been you!" And that was it. Stiles felt like cold hands grew from the floor and grabbed his ankles. Knowing immediately that his words wouldn't be taken the way they were supposed to be. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab them and crush them to inaudible pieces before they reached Derek's ears, but god he knew it was too late.

Derek tensed. He looked as though he had been slapped, the hurt in his green eyes was enough to pull Stiles from his stupor and get his mouth working again. "Oh... god... I didn't... Der-"
"Save it." Derek snarled. The sound shook Stiles, the sound was feral. It was the first time Derek had scared him in months. The teen watched as Derek turned and climbed out the window.

Stiles knew Derek could still hear him when he let out a choking noise. That was the moment he knew that everything they had, everything that they had worked up to to get to this point was shattered. Panic surged up Stiles' spine, but this wasn't the same kind of panic he was used to. No this panic was different. His heart slowed to an unbearable rate, his hands shook violently and he lost all feeling in his limbs.


Stiles laid in his bed, it had been 3 weeks since he watched Derek jump out of his window. It had been 2 weeks since Stiles figured out that Derek didn't just leave his house, Derek had left Beacon Hills, leaving him and his stupid mouth behind.

He had tried, god did he try. He called Derek, texted Derek, went to the Hale property, went to the loft, the train depot, he even tried to get Isaac to talk to Derek for him. All for Isaac to tell Stiles that Derek was gone. He packed up and left roughly a week after their argument.

Everyday he waited for Derek to make contact, but he stopped trying to reach out. He stopped trying in his everyday life. "This is what depression looks like." A voice above him spoke very matter of factly. With a shift of his eyes he saw Lydia standing with her arms crossed, and Allison by her side. Stiles groaned and rolled over. He didn't want to deal with this shit today.
"Okay, that's it. Stiles we are done with you just giving up, you can be depressed but this has to stop. Get up." Lydia, ever the graceful one. She was firm but Stiles couldn't help but think of how he was with her at the dance. She gave in then, maybe it was time for him to give in. He could practically hear her glaring. Sure that is not a possible thing, but damn a glare from Lyds could be felt miles away. At this rate his non-existent children will feel it.

He was about to just tell them to get out when there was a warm hand on his shoulder. Allison had sat on the side of the bed, and squeezed his shoulder. "We are having a little party, and we thought it would be good to get you out of the house. Even for half an hour. Please?" Stiles cursed himself, they were right, but he hated that part of it. He hated that he knew they were right.

And that is how it started. Lydia and Allison successfully got Stiles out of bed and to their party. The party was great to get Stiles' mind off of things, until he started drinking. A party at Lydia Martin's was sure to have alcohol, and he wasn't disappointed. His dad was going to be at the station so he wouldn't have to worry about stumbling drunk to his room.

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