Chapter 1

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  Lance lost them all. All lost to the goddamn apocalypse. He didn't need any more pain. The nine years of the apocalypse taught him something. Never. Get. Close. To. ANYONE! It was him number one rule. His motto. He lived by it. He thought he would never disobey it. He was wrong. Only once did he disobey it, but he needed to. He took care of a ferocious beast that was his best friend. Someone as cold and mean as him needed a friend who was just the same. So he had a mountain lion. A lion cub that he had found, being abused and hurt by her own mother. So he saved her. For seven years she had been by his side. Her name was Blue. She wasn't a normal colored mountain lion with brownish fur. She had bluish grey fur with bright blue eyes,, just like Lance's. They didn't have a normal relationship. This relationship was built on survival, safety, and trust. Normal people had dogs and cats that they got from the pound or the pet store, and usually were loved because they had all the time in the world to not worry about killed, or having to go into the open world without the fear of getting Diseased. Diseased was when you were slowly getting turned into the Galra. The Galra were the race of beings that Haggar and Zarkon had created to wipe out the "impure" or those who didn't want to kill. If you were bitten by a Galra, you were slowly transformed into a Galra. Earth, Altea, Daibazall, and hundreds of other planets lived in peace. Mainly because Earth didn't know about the other planets, only believing that Earth was the only planet with life on it. Soon enough, Haggar's experiment to turn multiple planets into one actually worked, and so Human, Alteans, Galra, and Balmerans, were living on one planet together. They didn't see a problem at first, but soon enough Haggar had another  plan. Another project. That project wiped out the Altean race, half of the human race, caused the Balmerans to go into hiding, while the Galra sipped tea with no fear acting like nothing ever even happened! Soon enough people started to rebel against the Galran, and were either bitten or killed. The Galran didn't need anyone fucking with their plan. Any one against their "perfect system was punished. So no one ever rebelled. Until now.


I hope yall liked it!!! This is gonna be my first gay fanfic. I know on the neice of batman it has Solangelo, but this us gonna be fully focused on Klance, so if yall like this, I'll write more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE ALL MY DIVERGENTHUNTERS AND HUNTRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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