Getting Blu

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Blu started as a little cat. He was 3 months when we adopted him. "Dad, dad! Let's get this one," I said. My dad said "Okay," said my dad, happily to buy me it. I was so excited. When we got home, we got the cat out of the box. And, my sister said "Welcome home, buddy," and then she pet him. I quickly grabbed him, and took him to my room. "Okay, hand it over, brat," I heard my sister say. I hid in my closet, and my sister got in. "Never," I yelled. And, then I quickly ran out of the room, and put the kitten in my mom and dad's room, and it hid under the recliner chair.
3 hours later, the cat got out of the chair, to eat. And play with his toys. Then soon after, it was 9:45, and I had to sleep.
The next day, I saw the cat laying on my bed, next to me. Thank god, I thought. It was about 6:55 when I woke up. The cat was soon awoken by my alarm-clock. My alarm clock was set for 7:15, because, I had school, and I had to be at school by 7:45. It's monday, I soon realized. I got dressed for school, and ate breakfast, then I brushed my teeth. And went to school.

Blu, A Cat Story (not done)Where stories live. Discover now