Blood will be spilled.

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Jeff Pov.
My heart pounded against my chest in excitement as I strolled down the dark alley avoiding the busy streets. I pulled my white hood more over my face to cover my face in shadows as I walked past the couple making out behind the dumpster.

"Such Dirty people...tsk" I clicked my tongue and stopped in my tracks to turn and flash a blood curdling smile to the now aware couple.
" you people make me sick, such ugly people. I want to make you beautiful just like me." I chuckled as I watched fear wash over their faces.

" p-please don't do this! Kill her not me! Spare me please!" The man pleaded as he pushed the women In front of him. They both had tears running down they're faces as I stepped closer to them with my smile still plastered on my face.

" such selfishness..." I sighed and pushed the women to the side in a quick shove, she tumbled backwards and smashed her head against the dumpster before slumping to the ground. " heh...hahahaha" I chuckled as I looked at the man who had just wet himself.
" pathetic." I lunged at the man, successfully pinning him to the dirty alley ground, I pulled his head up by his hair and swiftly smashed his head back against the ground. The man was left sobbing and babbling inaudible things.

" filthy"

I stabbed my knife into his stomach and leaned down next to his ear to whisper to him.

" selfish"

I twisted the blade with a smile as the man squirmed and begged.


I plunged my knife into his stomach continuously until the mans begs and squirming slowly faded to silence and stillness.

" now I can make you both beautiful, you'll both be so happy" I pulled my knife roughly out of the mans stomach and watched the blood deep into his shirt.

" ain't red such a pretty colour?" I said to no one in particular as I placed my knife in the mans mouth son the edge and sliced it up to his ear on one side then went over and finished the other side. The mans face had a beautiful permanent smile sliced onto it and his eyelids had been harshly sliced off.

" your so beautiful now" blood poured out of his face onto the ground beside his head and the blood dripping from his eye sockets made the man look as if he was crying.

" now you dea-" I turned to the dumpster and saw just a small puddle of blood.

" fuck! You stupid whore!" I yelled and quickly got up for my position on the ground, a dirty scowl on my face as I wiped my hands off on my pants.
" shit!" I kicked the dumpster and groaned as I looked down both ends of the alley for the women who was nowhere in sight.

" fuck!shit!Cunt!" I muttered as I pulled my hood up and tucked my knife back awhile in my pants. I raced out of the alley and down the back streets right into a police car.
" fuck!" I screeched as I took off running down the streets.

" hey! Freeze!" The police men turned their sirens on and sped after me.
" this is the police, If you do not surrender we will have to fire" the man called to me as I dove into a tight alley and raced out the other side.

" holy fuck" I didn't stop running till I hit the edge of town where I quietly slipped into the shadowed forest. I ran through the dark unfamiliar trees looking for anything familiar to guide me back home.
" where th-FUCK!" Without watching where I was going I tumbled onto a frozen pond that just appeared.
" what the fuck? Where did this come from? It's summer how Is it frozen?! " as I was speaking a bright light flashed beside me and I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees to stare at the crystal clear ice in shock. Under the ice beside me was a child, a boy who looked to be no older then 15 frozen there with a smile on his face.
" what the fuck?" As I watched the ice I was blinded by two more bright flashes. Before I could even see I heard a sickening crack echo through the woods as the ice beneath me cracked. I wasn't fast enough to get off the ice before I fell in to the ice water.
The water was so cold, it felt like thousands of needles were stabbing me all over. I tried to swim to the surface but it was no use something had grabbed onto my ankle and it was slowly pulling me down to face it.
I sat face to face with the child who was chained to the bottom by four thick chains.

" release me." I stared at the child in front of me with shock as his white eyes peered opened slightly and his cold blue lips spoke. I don't know why I swam down alittle to unlatch the chains for this kid but something told me this was a good idea.

" thank you." The child smiled and moved towards me in great speeds as he placed a cold hand over my eyes. After his touch everything turned black for me, I couldn't move, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear but I knew that I was alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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