Safe And Sound

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=Safe and Sound=

The sound of my name breaks me from my trance.

Ah, here she comes. I could recognize that sweet, sorrow filled voice anywhere.  My beautiful Katniss, the girl who was on fire, come to save me from my pain.

I strangle the groan rising in my throat as I now – once again – experience the pain I had shied away from days ago.  I can’t feel my leg anymore, thank grace.  No, my throat and stomach have far worsened in the last four – five? – days. 

Why would she be calling for me?  I’m useless, I’m dying.  She should just leave me here, regardless if we both can live. I’m relieved, of course.  She has come back for me.  Maybe there is still hope that she loves me, though it wouldn’t last; I’m still prepared to die for her.

She calls for me a few more times as I impatiently build up my strength to speak.  Water splashes irregularly, against the natural flow of the river.  Smart girl, no-one could follow her now.

What’s something I could say that she would recognize, that won’t mean an instant arrow into my heart?  The heart which beats for her; it would only seem fitting that she be the one to sentence it to its last beat.

“You here to finish me off, sweetheart?” I muster, stupidly.  Why should I be encouraging this, when we can both win together?

She’s exited the water now; I can feel her footsteps vibrate through the ground towards me.  Odd.  The dehydration must have done more damage then I had thought.

“Peeta? Where are you?” I hear her murmur, her voice strong but quiet against the surrounding forest.  “Peeta?”

“Well, don’t step on me.”  She’s so close, how can she not notice me?  I open my eyes.

Her gasp makes its way to my ears, I smile.  Her gorgeous grey eyes gleam in the light of the sun; I gaze into them, mesmerized. 

“Close your eyes again,” she orders.  This stuns me.  But the obedient pet I am, I reluctantly obey.  “I guess all those hours of decorating cakes paid off?”

Ah, the camouflage.  She is so odd; the smallest things can entertain her for hours. 

I smile; she approved of something I have done.  “Yes, frosting.  The final defense of dying.”  My voice is ragged, dry from the days of thirst.

“You’re not going to die,” she tells me firmly.  Who’s she kidding?  Not me and certainly not the Capitol.

“Says who?” I breathe.

“Says me,” She says defiantly. “We’re on the same team now, you know.” 

So, she hasn’t come to kill me.  I open my eyes to her beautiful, rugged face. “So I heard. Nice of you to find what’s left of me.”

I sigh when she raises a canteen to my lips and pours soothing liquid into my mouth.  Ah, water.  Oh how I’ve missed you.  My throat is instantly hydrated, the stale water coating my mouth and tongue. 

While I devour what’s left of the bottle, she asks, “Did Cato cut you?” 

“Left leg, up high,” I answer when I have drained the canteen. 

“Let’s get you in the stream, wash you off so I can see what kind of wounds you’ve got,” she says, mainly to herself than to me.

“Lean down a minute first.  I need to tell you something.” Well, if I’m going to die soon, I might as well fight for her with ever shot I’ve got.

She leans down, her tangled hair falling from behind her ears on onto my face and neck.  I can’t feel it though, as they are already caked with mud and dirt.  She puts her right ear to my lips; I have to repress the urge to kiss her right now. She doesn’t understand how irresistible she is to me

I whisper the words I had practiced since I had first entered the arena.  I say them so low that not even the highly tuned microphones and cameras could not have picked up on. 

“Remember, we’re madly in love, so it’s all right to kiss me any time you feel like it.”

She jerks her head back in laughter.  Or I hope its laughter, as her charming chuckles start after she has pulled away.  Her laugh is one of the two most beautiful sounds in the world.  The first being her singing. 

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

I stifle another sigh, she thinks I’m joking.  There’s nothing funny about being in love with the girl who wanted to kill you.  Darn that girl; she’s so oblivious.

Now that’s she’s found me, I know she’s safe and sound. I have to hang on, I can’t abandon her now. I have to make sure she wins. There’s only one more obstacle to make sure the love of my life lives.

Surviving the Hunger Games.

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