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Life is funny, life is sad, life is scary, life is fun, life is easy, life is hard, life is up, life is down, life is smiles, life is frown, life makes perfect sense, life makes absolutely no sense, life is full of wonder, life is full of fears, life is full of hopes and dreams, life is full of sadness and tears, life can last for a single second, or carry on for an eternity of years, life is love, love is life, love is happiness, love is pain, life is Happiness, life is despair, life is light, life is dark, life is everything and nothing, and in between, life is a roller coaster, life is the air that we breathe, life is a mess, life is peace. Life is balance. Life in itself, is a gift. Life is life. Life is just waking up to see another day, or closing your eyes to see it for the last time, life is people and emotions and feelings, and care, life also has an end, they call it death, I call it a new beginning. Can you remember the day you were born and you looked into your Mother's eyes? Can you remember your very first friend you ever made? Can you remember the first time you felt Happy or Sad or anything? Can you be alive and feel everything? And sit alone in your room listening to your favorite song that made you happy or feel something other than alone and numb? Can you remember your Grandma and her awesome chocolate chip cookies, that everyone made with their grandma's too, but, to you hers were the best in the world, because she was the best and most special to you? Can you remember your Grandpa and how he always smelled like fishing and chew? And cinnamon dentyne gum? My Grandpa did, and he would tell us kids fishing stories, and teach us to play cards and dominoes? Or can you remember family game night, where we all gathered around the dining room table and played scrabble or go fish after having to eat grandpa's yucky hamburger stew? Can you remember your child hood pets and all their names and all your favorite things? Can you remember your first kiss and how it felt and tasted, how you were excited and terrified all at once? Can you remember your first school dance? How you danced with those girls, you thought were going to always be your forever friends? Can you remember all the good times and the bad? The happy times, and even the awfully bad? If so, then even if you believe you're not, you are, you're alive and living, and you are part of a perfect plan. Yes, even you. Such is Life. Life is the best gift of all, because you are in control of how you live it and take it all in. If you think and feel and laugh and cry and get angry or sad, put your hand over your heart, do you feel that? That's your heartbeat, it means you are alive, and it means, even if you think not, it means you're alive, and you have purpose and you're just as important as all of life, because you ARE a part of life, you matter. Such is life.  This is my poem, and I hope it reminds my readers to like and love themselves, and they matter, and they are important, because they too, in fact, ARE a gift of life. I hope you enjoyed my poem, love yourselves and know you're important. Love, Always, Andrea

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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