Chapter 1

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Changkyun was not a normal trainee, he was bullied and still is bullied by the people at his old school, he has real bad anxiety and panic attacks, but no one knows about it, only because he thinks no one will care about it.
Two weeks ago his boss came to talk to him asking him if he wanted to be apart of no.mercy since they needed another rapper. Which after he thought about it said yes, he really wanted to debut again, since his previous group had disbanded.
But today was the day that he was to be introduced to the others, and he was beyond nervous. He knew for a fact that the others would not be happy with his presence, but he was going to deal with it. He looked at his lip only to see it swollen from the day before, he sighed then looked at his phone only to see that he had to leave.
---------------------At the restaurant--------------------
"Guys I want to introduce you to changkyun or I.M which is his stage name, he will be joining the show since we need one more rapper" the manager announced "changkyun come please" the manager added before changkyun came out
"H..hello I'm changkyun" I.M said nervously but everyone stayed silent
"Oh come on guys stop being stubborn" the manager said
"Yea whatever" shownu said to which everyone else nodded their heads in agreement
"Okay well now that you guys have met I'll leave you guys to talk, I'll be back in 45 minutes" the manager said and left
"I can't believe this" wonho said as he threw down his fork and knife which made changkyun flinch and it went on like that for 45 long minutes with everyone glaring at him.
Thankfully it was over when the manager came back and told them it was time to go. Once they got back to the dorm he was told that he would be in a room with wonho, gun, and jooheon. He trembled when he found out he would be rooming with wonho and gun since they were the two who gave him the most deadliest glares ever.
"Let's go" wonho said sternly to I.M who had been looking really scared 'he should be scared' thought wonho.
" I'll be right there, I just need some water first" changkyun said but he wasn't lying he had to take his anxiety pills, so quickly yet secretly he took two pills and drank the glass of water then washed the glass, he looked back to see wonho looking at him. He hurriedly walked to him and they walked to the room.
"Go to sleep" wonho said as he climbed into his bed
"Okay" changkyun said softly and went straight to bed.
::/::/changkyuns dream::/::/
"Why were you ever born"
"So useless"
"So annoying"
"A waste of space"
The boys said while kicking him repeatedly over and over again. Kicking him till he coughed up blood. Then one boy stopped the kicking and went down to changkyun and started to choke him
"You don't deserve to debut again"
"Free riding on the other members success"
Changkyun couldn't breath he started to see black dots crowd his vision. With his last breath he said
"I'm sorry"
And everything went black
::/::/End of dream::/::/
Changkyun woke up breathing heavily as if he was not getting any air into his lungs, he looked at his phone and saw it was 5 in the morning, he didn't want to go back to sleep so he decided to make some breakfast, he made pancakes and waffles and sausage and bacon, and rice. Then he ate a little bit so he could take his pills and then he decided to take a walk on his walk he passed a familiar alley way that brought back some bad memories. And he saw people he didn't want to see
"Yah! Changkyunieee long time no see" the unnamed boy said
"What do you want Levi?" Changkyun said a little confident and a little scared
"Now is that anyway to talk to an old friend" he said getting close making I.M back up into the wall
" were never my friend and l...leave me alone" changkyun said while trying to push Levi off of him
"Oh changkyun that's not how it works" Levi said while he held changkyun against the wall and he punched him in the stomach which made him cry out in pain
"Shhhh..shut up, we wouldn't want anyone to hear us would we" Levi said evilly as he punched changkyun hard two more times before he dropped him and said "see you later" then he left
"Ahh" was the only sound being heard as he was trying to get up. Once he managed to get up he made his way back to the dorm limping, he opened the door to be met by some angry members and a worried manager
"Where were you changkyun?" The manager asked
"I..I went for a walk" he stuttered out
"Why didn't you tell anyone, you left" the manager added
"Because everyone was still sleeping" he replied back without stuttering this time
"Okay but do not let it happen again, understand?"
"Yes, understood" changkyun said back as the manager left. He looked at the other members they looked really mad but he didn't care he tried his best not to limp towards the bathroom. Once he got in he took of his shirt and looked at his torso, he saw the bruises that were starting to form and he decided to take a bath he flinched and hissed as the water touched his body. When he was done he quickly put a towel around his waist and hurried back into his room to go put in clothes so no one could see his bruises or his scars, yes scars he got beaten so bad once that he had internal bleeding and had to have surgery to stop it so he had a long scar because of that. He quickly hurried to the room and grabbed shorts, boxers and a shirt and put them on. As he was putting on his shirt he felt someone looking at him it was Yoonho. Changkyun just froze there he quickly put on a shirt and looked down.
"Y..yes" he stuttered out
"What happened" yoonho said calmly
"N..nothing happened" he said stuttering again
"Liar, if nothing happened you wouldn't have bruises on your body now would you" yoonho said less calm
"No I wouldn't" I.M said looking down
"That's what I thought"
"Yoonho what are you doing talking to him" kihyun said
"I was just making sure he was okay" yoonho said
"Why it's not like he's worth it" kihyun said in disgust, which made I.M flinch.
"Everyone let's go we have to practice!"
'Oh great' changkyun thought
When he was walking out he walked straight into gunhee's arm
"Ahh" changkyun hissed as gunhee's arm hit one of his bruises. He saw gunhee, wonho and shownu laughing he just rolled his eyes and walked away clutching his side
They walked out of the dorm building and towards the company building and as they were walking someone was calling out to I.M, he looked and saw Levi and his friends they were walking towards him
"Umm I..I'll be right inside" changkyun said as his heart started to beat a little faster and he stuttered
"No thanks, we'll wait for you, we don't wanna be in trouble again" minyhuk said
"Hey changkyuniee" Levi said with a evil smirk
"What do you want" changkyun said a little irritated
"You still never learned your lesson have you" Levi whispered only loud enough for changkyun to hear or so he thought
"Leave me alone Levi" changkyun said and rushed inside the building
"Hey Buffy one" Levi yelled to shownu "tell him we'll be waiting for him" he laughed while turning around and walking away
Changkyun was in the buildings bathroom because he couldn't stop freaking out he had to take his medicine since he forgot to take it in the morning.
'This is gonna be a long day' he thought

Hello everyone this is my third book and this book is obviously about monstax and no mercy era, it just has little twist
I hope you enjoy my new story 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Chapter 2 in the making 😘😘❤️❤️❤️

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