Chapter 1

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Please know this is the first thing I'm trying to actually write...and I'm sorry if its not good or some bits seem like they are from other books...i may have gotten the ideas from them but it isn't intentional. I'm just writing random stuff as i go so sorry if it may not make sense or takes a while to post more....
Also sorry if I fuck up on places,times and stuff to do with countries. Im not from America but writing about people there 😅

I also have a problem with ellipses....i can't not use them 😂😂


Becks P.O.V

"André, its puff and pass not sit and drag..." I snatch the joint off André and let the vapour fill my lungs. "Damn, thats some good dope" i pass the joint to Kane and breath out.


"Hayley Ferguson? Fuck man, I don't know....Shes hot and all, but shes from Northridge and you know how they are.." Stuck up bitches who think they are everything....but really they suck.... And i don't want to take her to my cousins wedding.

"well, i don't know....Maybe someone at school or some shit" someone says....I'm not sure whoever...I'm so out of it and I'm staring at the ceiling.... roof?.... Roof...roof, thats a funny word....roof

"Maybe." Fuck man....i need a date for this shit or someone will try to set me up with their 'awkward' friend.....i wonder if she would go with me...probably not.....she's probably already got a boyfriend....some freak who's into the same things as her....i don't know....I'm to high for this shit.


"What ya staring at mate" André slams his locker shut, making me jump. He fucking caught me staring at her. Fuck.

" Ah nothing man....nothing" crap.

" alright well lets get to Sikowitz" If i sit in the back maybe i can look at her without getting caught....

Maybe i should just ask her to accompany me to this stupid thing?
But what if she says no? Or yes...what if she says yes? What do i do then...fuuuck.

"Beck?" Sikowitz questions.


"You're up today" finally....he hasn't picked me all week...only perky Tori, André and that dumb as with an animal or some shit.

I walk up to the front where Sarah and Tori are.

"Beck you're a dog that can speak, Sarah you're a cactus, Tori you're the middle age lady and you're all lost in a supermarket. calling out potato.  AC TI ON " fucking nut-job of a teacher shouts at us and sits in a seat next to a student.

"hey jade?" I say walking up to her when the bell rings.

" yea? What do you want?" She kinda snaps at me...feisty thing.

" cousins getting married and um...wanna go?" Whelp....thats not like me...wheres all my words gone.

"Like as your date?"

"Um yea...or just a friend...maybe date." i nervously play with my hands. What do i so with them...where should i put them...should i fold them...leave them at my sides...

"Yea, sure, why not." She shrugs and walks off.

"It's tomorrow....i-in long one" i say following her out the door....did i just stutter? Wheres the Beck that doesn't stutter? That doesn't give a shit and fucks random girls....why am i acting so weird....and fuck this girl scares me...shes creepy...but fuck shes god damn gorgeous. 

"See you then."

"Hey pretty boy, did i just see you talking to goth girl. " Kane says as i walk up to him.

" uh yea man shes going to the stupid wedding with me. " fuck why did i say that.

"Her? Okay..." He replies scrunching his face.

"Yea whats wrong with her? She pretty enough and her appearance will stop people trying to talk to me about their single, desperate, ugly ass friends." And shes fucking beautiful....i really want to add but he'd make fun of my adoration for this 'goth girl'.

"Whatever dude....lets go hang with the Northridge got the tea right?" Kane asks....

"Yea man, are we getting sauce on the way?" If I'm getting high, i may as well get wasted too.

"Fuck yea." He says as we walk to my 1967 pontiac.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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