While Master Sleeps

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Note: Had a sudden spark of inspiration! Love this couple, tell me what you think and if you want more :D Warning: This is mature from the start and of course Ramsay Bolton comes with his own warning label, so just be aware this will get very dark and violent! Also Theon is not "cut" in this fanfic <3



The heavy wooden door Theon pushed open made more noise than he had wanted it to as he entered Ramsay's bedroom with a platter of food. On it was an assortment of fruits; grapes, apples and peaches. To the side of these was some bread and meat from Ramsay's hunt today. He had decided to take down some wild boar in the early hours of the morning and the pig was now the main feature on his plate.

Being careful not to drop anything, the Greyjoy eased the door closed with his foot as best as he could and laid the heavy tray gently down on Ramsay's large wooden table. It was strange that his master had not made himself known yet, so Theon sneaked a quick glance around the room, his green eyes darting around almost frantically. Normally his eyes would be glued to the floor, unless of course he was ordered to do otherwise. Making eye contact  with the Bolton without being asked to always meant trouble for him and he didn't want to upset, or do wrong by his master in any way.

The ginger boy spotted him laid out on his bed, for once he looked serene. If a person didn't know the young Bolton they might even assume he was an angel, for he did have handsome face. Theon was allowed to admit that, right? Soft dark brunette curls only accentuated the blueness of the startling ice colored eyes, that were currently hidden beneath his closed eyelids and framed by long dark lashes. They were both very similar in height  and build, with lean athletic bodies. It was hard for him to admit, but he was attracted to this man, even if he was only his pet. Something Ramsay often called him, along with the name Reek which felt more right to Theon now then his own given birth name.

It was rare for Ramsay to sleep in front of him, to be defenseless in front of anyone for that matter. The Bolton was always in control of every situation and for this reason Theon would never make a move to defy him. As well as the secret he kept locked away in his heart, that he was falling for this sadistic and dominating man.

Realizing that he had been staring at his masters face for too long he slowly trailed his eyes down to look away, before spotting something that almost made them jump from his sockets in both fright and shock. He knew Ramsay was asleep and checked again to make sure, but he was startled by the pronounced bulge that appeared to be straining against his trousers. A detail that he had not noticed when first casting his eyes on the young lord.

He knew he shouldn't... That he should just leave now and pretend he hadn't seen anything, but his curiosity was getting the better of him. It felt like an invisible force was pulling his forwards to his sleeping master, feeling his own manhood respond to the sight in front of his eyes. It was wrong, he knew that, but he couldn't help himself. Ramsay looked so inviting like this and he had been wondering how his master felt for a long time. He wanted to touch him, but would have never dared to voice this desire, or attempt it. Part of him was screaming at him even now for how crazy this was, if Ramsay woke up there would be no escape for Theon from his violent whims. 

Tenderly he reached out his hand, brushing his fingers against the rough fabric that was covering Ramsay's cock. The bulge felt hot, hard and enticing to him, even through the fabric. Glancing at the Bolton's face once more he tried to dispel his nerves with no success.

This time he used his entire hand to brush over the length, before griping it nervously and squeezing gently. Theon felt the member pulse in his hand a few times before moving his grip up and down slowly, imagining how he would like the sensation on his own manhood. The whole thing was awfully erotic and he couldn't stop himself from being turned on by the situation. His cock painfully stiff against the fabric of his own trousers, just from pleasuring his master.

He felt hot everywhere and his eyes seemed to glaze over as he fell into an almost dreamlike trance. Ramsay let out a low moan in his sleep from the sensation of Theon's hand on him, unconsciously betraying himself to the pleasure.  The Greyjoy felt his mouth become wet at the sound, wanting more than anything to please his master. He imagined how good it would feel for Ramsay if he used his mouth, wondered how he would taste and feel against his tongue, but he did not dare.

He was by no means experienced in the field, Ramsay was the first man he had ever felt any desire towards and the one he felt it for most strongly out of every woman he had ever been with. No one had ever come close to making him lust for them in such a manner, only his master.

Being so caught up in what he was doing, Theon didn't notice that Ramsay began to stir in his sleep, the pleasure bringing him slowly out of the realms of his dreams and back into reality. The young Bolton had been tired after his hunt this morning and found himself asleep before he had realized his own exhaustion. Now however he woke to a both surprising and interesting sight indeed, with the feeling of unconsented pleasure radiating through him.

"What are you doing?"


Note: Sorry to leave you guys on a cliff hanger ;)

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