The Beginning

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"Take your brother outside as fast as you can and 

don't look back! Now, Dean, go!" Dean turned and 

ran carrying Sam out of the house

Lawrence, Kansas

22 years ago

In the late night, Crickets could be heard throughout the suburb. A large deciduous tree with no leaves stood outside one of several suburban homes. A woman, Mary Winchester to be precise, wearing a white nightgown, carried her son Dean, into a dark room.

"Come on, let's say goodnight to your brother and sister," Mum said leading Dean towards two cribs. Mary turned on the lights and Sam is lying in his crib and looking over at his mother and Dean. Mary sets Dean down and Dean leans over the side of the crib and kisses Sam on the forehead. Dean then moved to the crib further away from the door and leaned over the railing to give his little sister, a kiss goodnight, she made a happy sound as her legs kicked out, kicking the blanket off, he pulled it back over her. ''Night, Sam. Goodnight Alex." Dean said kissing my forehead as well. Mary leant over Sam as well. "Good night loves." She said to both of us while kissing our foreheads like Dean did.

"Hey, Dean." Said a man's voice, he looked tired from a hard day at work but a happy smile that washed away the tired wrinkles appeared as Dean turned around and rushed over to him. "Daddy!"

"Hey, buddy," John said while scooping Dean up smiling. "So what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet?" He questioned Dean. Dean shook his head, laughing. "No, Daddy," Dean replied. "Or Alex?" "No!" Said Dean laughing harder. John laughed. "No, I guess not."

Mary passed John and Dean on her way out of the room. "You got him?" She asked. "I got him." He said while hugging Dean closer. "Sweet dreams, Sam and Lexi," John said before walking out of the room with Dean flipping off the lights

The baseball-themed mobile above Sam's crib begins to spin on its own while Sam watched it. Lexi kicked her legs out once more and shifted so she was practically burying her head in the various blankets and toys around her. The transportation-themed clock on the wall ticks, ticks, stops. The moon-shaped nightlight flickers.

The lights flicker. a baby monitor sitting on a nightstand next to a photo of Mary and John, the monitor made a sound, like it was being moved, mix with static and the sound of Sam and Levi crying. Mary, who was asleep in bed, stirred. She turns on the light on the nightstand. "John?" She asks. She turned around checking the space next to her, seeing that he wasn't there she got up

Mary walks down the hall to the nursery. A man's silhouette, stands over Sam's crib. "John? Is he hungry?" Mary asked. "Shhh." The man hushed her. "All right." She said before heading back down the hallway.

The lights flicker again, and the man moved away from Sam's crib, having done what he needed to. The little girl was silent as the man moved her back onto her back. Mary tapped on one of the flickering lights, the sound of the Tv going reached her ears and she tilted her head before slowly making her way downstairs, her eyes widen, John sat, asleep on the chair as the bombs went off on the Tv, her eyes widen and years of training kicked in and she turned and bolted up the stairs. "Sammy! Alexia!"

It was a bloodcurdling scream that woke John, it sounded distant in his sleep idled brain. "Mary?" He called out, taking a second before the panic truly set in as he scrambled out of the chair. "Mary!' He called out again, this time louder, more hysterical. He lunged towards the stairs, skipping many as he went, almost falling over as he did so. He burst into the room and stopped short, it was silent, there was no one in there, except for the twins. "Mary?" He whispered. He glanced around before pushing the side of Sam's crib down. "Hey, Sammy. You okay?" Something dark drips next to Sam. John touches it. Two more drops land on the back of His hand. It looks like blood. Dad looked up. Mary, sprawled across the ceiling, leg twisted in an odd angle, eyes wide open and the stomach of her nightgown red with blood, staring at her husband and struggling to breathe. John collapses onto the floor in fright, staring at his wife. "No! Mary!" He shouted just before she burst into flame. The fire spreads over the ceiling. John stares, frozen. Sam wails, this brought the man back to earth as his attention snapped back to his two youngest kids. He snatched Sam up, who was closer to him, "Daddy?" Dean voices echo from outside the room, and he runs and shoves the youngest child into the eldest child's arms.

"Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!" Dean turned and ran carrying Sam out of the house.

John turned back to the nursery. "Lexi!" He shouted running across the room towards her crib. The entire room was engulfed in flames, and John feared that he may be too late to save his baby girl, he glanced up after he scooped up Alexia, frantically patting shaking, and cover the small flames that licked at her arm, he could barely see his wife anymore. He ran, a bounding down the stair with a wailing child in his arms, Dean moved towards his father as he appeared from the door, John was quick to shift his hold on his little girl and scoop Dean up, who was still clutching Sam and he ran, the explosion of the nursery loud yet distant as he ran. "I gotcha." He whispered too us, tightly gripping what remained of his family.

It wasn't to much later that night, when John watched the Fire department try to put out the fire, as he sat in the ambulance Sam and Dean pulled tight against him, loosen enough not to hurt them, but certainly not letting them go, as he stared at Alexia, who had an oxygen mask fastened to her face and half of her pyjama's where cut off so they could tend to the burn on her arm. He took a shuddered and broken breath, before spotting the Impala, moonlight and fire reflected off its hood as it sat in the night. He knew what he needed to do.

To be continued...

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