Is It Ever Enough?

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It was recess and Scott and Mitch were on the swing set. Scott suddenly stopped and looked up at Mitch who was still swinging.

"We're gonna get married someday. I know it."

Mitch laughed and stopped himself from swinging. "That's ridiculous, Scott. We're only ten. Who knows if we will even still be talking in ten years."

Scott shook his head and began to swing again. "No, it's gonna happen. Just you wait."


It was freshman year. Scott and Mitch were sitting in the science lab, bored out of their minds. Scott slipped a note to Mitch that read:

I can't wait until after high school. We can finally get married. :)

Mitch looked at him and chuckled. He scribbled down a note and handed it back to him.

In your dreams, Hoying. In your dreams.


Scott and Mitch had just won The Sing Off with Pentatonix. They were at their hotel relaxing after the long day. They were both laying on their separate beds, a silence in the room. Mitch sat up and looked over at Scott. Scott was already looking at him and got up to sit down next to Mitch.

"Is this a dream?" Scott shook his head.

"This is real life, Mitchie bear. Great things are ahead." He smiled, looking Mitch in the eyes, leaning back against the headboard.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Our wedding, remember?"

"Ah, yes. But that definitely is a dream of yours." Mitch laughed and laid back down, falling asleep easily and having a dream of his own.


A few years later, Scott had had enough.

"I'm done, Mitch. I can't be around you and Nathan anymore. It's too much." Scott said as he walked into the living room of their shared apartment where Mitch was currently sitting.

"What are you talking about, Scott?"

"I just can't, Mitch. I have to move out. I can't be around you anymore." He was on the verge of tears, pacing back and forth in the small room.

"Calm down, Scott. Why can't you be around me? Are you drunk right now?" Mitch asked, turning off the TV that he had been watching.

"Of course I'm not drunk, Mitch. Why can't you see? I love you. I always have. I absolutely hate seeing you with another man. I'm happy that you're happy and everything, but I'm not happy. So I need to leave. I can't see you anymore." Scott stopped walking and stood across the room from Mitch, trying to hold back his tears the best he could.

Mitch just sat there, not knowing what to do or say. After a few minutes of not saying anything, Scott let out a shaky laugh and shook his head.

"Bye, Mitch. It's for the best. I'm going to Kirstie's. I need to look for my own place. I'll be back for my stuff when that happens." And he left.

Mitch got up but didn't know where to go. He laid himself down on the carpet and cried. If only he had known Scott had felt that way. He wouldn't be with his current boyfriend. Sure, he was happy. But he could've been happier.

He got up and called his sister, desperately seeking advice.


A week later, Mitch showed up at Kirstie's apartment, looking for Scott.

He knocked on the red door and waited. Kirstie opened the door and peeked her head out, surprised to see him.

"Can I please talk to him?" Mitch pleaded, obviously distraught.

"Of course." She let him in and gave him a hug. "He's in the guest bedroom. I have to go get groceries, do you think you'll be fine alone?" Mitch just nodded and she left.

Mitch let out a breath he had been holding and walked down the hall to the guest bedroom. He finally got the courage and knocked.

Scott opened the door expecting to see Kirstie. When he saw it was Mitch, he tried to shut the door. But Mitch was strong enough to hold the door open and slip into the room. Scott laid on his stomach on the bed and buried his face into his pillow.

"I miss you, Scott." Mitch whispered, still standing in front of the door.

Scott rolled over to look at him and scoffed. "Why don't you go hang out with your boyfriend?"

"Because we broke up. You would have known that if you stayed." Mitch wiped the tears that were falling from his eyes. "I need you back in my life, Scotland. You've only been gone a week and I'm going crazy. How am I supposed to live the rest of my life without you? It's just not possible." He slowly moved towards the bed and sat on the edge, facing the wall instead of Scott.

Scott sat up, and watched Mitch. He could tell how bad things were for him. He wanted to move next to him and give him the biggest hug. He wanted to tell him everything would be okay, that they were still best friends and always would be. But he couldn't. He was too scared.

Mitch threw himself back onto the bed so he was laying down. "Please come home. I... I-uh.. I've done a lot of thinking while you were gone. And I realized something. I love you. I always have. You're my best friend. Hell. You're my soul mate, Scott. We both know it. We've known it since we were ten." He chuckled.

Scott smiled, finally moving to be next to Mitch. He wiped the tears from both of their eyes. He suddenly leaned down and kissed Mitch. It was a short kiss, but it said the things that they both had been holding back for so long.


And a few short years down the road, everybody sat in the church, watching the couple standing in front of the priest.

"Do you, Scott, take Mitch as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked.

"I do." Scott smiled, looking Mitch in the eyes.

"Will you love, respect and honor him throughout your years together?"

"I will."

The priest then turned to Mitch, repeating the same questions.

"By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

Everybody cheered as Scott and Mitch shared their first kiss as a married couple. As they were walking back down the aisle, Scott smirked and said to Mitch, "I told you we would get married some day."

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