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Taehyung screamed across the corridor to the older while running down the stairs to breakfast, not caring about the annoyed looks the other students were giving him. Yoongi looked at Tae with annoyed eyes . "I'm your 형 you little shi-"
"YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE YOUR FUCKING MARBLES WHEN YOU HEAR WHAT HOSEOK JUST TOLD-" was all Taehyung got out before Yoongi elbowed him in the side and told him to sit down and eat.
"형, You wish your hits hurt, that is where height comes into advantage. You're so cute when you try to be intimidating, you're like a baby." Taehyung teased.
"You're in your fifth year for fucks sake as I'm in my sixth, stop cursing so much. We need to act more like role models for the-"
"Okay but with all of my due respect" taehyung stated with no respect intended, "Hoseok told me there's gonna be a transfer student dude. He's in our grade and everything."
"Why didn't he start coming to Hogwarts at the same age as the rest of us then?"
"I heard from Hoseok that he's some fucking genius and he's half muggle and half human, but only lived with his father, whom is a wizard and taught him EVERYTHING up until this year, and he's like a year younger than me. He's got his wand already and everything 형. No one has heard the reason why he just started attending Hogwarts now."
"Jesus fuck slow down Taehyung. One, who cares? And two, shouldn't we be studying? I mean why would someone come transfer right before the mid-year tests are taken? Taehyung, I'm sorry to inform you but it's probably a rumor or something  because Namjoon would've told me if we had any new students, as he IS a prefect."
"Whatever 형-" Taehyung started to say before a terribly unlucky student had gotten a howler from their relative.
"Anyways, classes are about to start Tae, I'll walk you   to your class since it's on the way to mine anyways."
"Let's roLL then" Tae said as he and Yoongi picked up their stuff.

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