Want To Be

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Sometimes all I want do to is isolate myself.
I want to cut myself off completely
And be left alone to be with my thoughts and my tears and my pain.

I don't want to have to explain myself to anyone.

I just want to be

And be alone.

Sometimes all I want to do is stop feeling.

I want to shut off the parts of me that hurt,

That care,
That love,

That hate.

I don't want to feel anymore happiness

Because it often gets turned into pain and sadness.

I just want to be

And be indifferent.

Sometimes all I want to do is die or, at least, come close to it.

I want to escape everything that I otherwise can't;

Like my own mind. 

I don't want to deal with the stress and pain.

It gets hard to manage 

And becomes tiring from the effort.

I just want to be

And be done.

It's funny though. . . Isn't is?

I long to be alone,

And yet

I fear being lonely.

I want to feel nothing

And yet

I love so wholly and easily.

I want to die

And yet

I love feeling alive.

I just want to be

And have it be easy.

We don't always get what we want though.

Do we?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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