Over the edge.

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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/528911.

Rating:Teen And Up AudiencesArchive Warning:Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceCategory:GenFandom:NCISCharacter:Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo Sr., Ducky Mallard, Ziva David, Timothy McGee, Abby Sciuto, Leon VanceAdditional Tags:Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Familial Abuse, AdoptionStats:Published: 2012-10-04 Chapters: 20/20 Words: 26978Over the Edge by CALLEN37


Tony gets hurt and loses his memory, He thinks he's 12 and some old secrets come out.

Chapter 1

Tony was running, the suspect was just a few feet in front of him and he knew he'd catch up really quickly.

Having said that the man was a few years younger than him and Tony thought maybe he was a free runner or something. They reached an abandoned warehouse and he could hear his team catching up behind him. He followed the suspect up a flight of stairs and skidded as he stopped.

The man swung his leg round and caught Tony behind the knee; he heard a sickening pop and felt himself go down towards the handrail. He caught sight of his boss and shot him a terrified look as the rusted handrail broke and he went tumbling over the edge.

Ziva and Tim were right behind Tony as they entered the warehouse and as the suspect turned they pulled up and drew their guns.

Ziva couldn't help the scream that left her mouth as she saw Tony fall and she knew as McGee moved to catch him that this time he'd be too late.

She caught the look of horror that crossed Gibbs' face as he saw his SFA fall "Tony!" He yelled as he ran to his senior field Agents' side and checked for a pulse blanching at the unnatural angle his leg was at.

Ziva arrested the suspect and took him to the car for transport back to NCIS and called another team to relieve them, Tim called an ambulance and then Ducky and Abby so they both were aware of what had happened.

Gibbs hadn't moved except for gently lifting Tony's head into his lap and stroked his head while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Tony was cold, he hurt and was scared, He knew he was in hospital but had no idea how he'd got there.

He slowly opened one eye and saw a man with a badge sitting next to him. He held his breath scared he was in trouble for something.

"Hey DiNozzo, how are you feeling?" Gibbs asked.

"F…Fine Sir," Tony answered without looking Gibbs in the eye.

Gibbs looked concerned "Sir?" He stopped as Ducky came in.

"DiNozzo?" Gibbs said confused.

"Anthony my boy, how are you feeling?" Ducky asked him

"Fine, Thank you Sir," Tony said.

Ducky nodded and put a hand on Gibbs' shoulder. "Anthony, do you know who we are?" He asked gently.

"No Sir. Although I think this gentleman is a policeman I saw his badge," Tony admitted.

Gibbs looked shocked, "Ducky?" He growled and instantly stopped as Tony tried to move away from him.

"In a moment Jethro." Ducky said cutting him off, "Anthony, you have had a bad fall and injured your knee, you also hit your head and that's why you are having trouble remembering some things. But don't worry we'll get you back to work soon." He smiled reassuringly.

"Work….Sir? But my…my fathers sending me to school next semester." Tony said his voice trailed off scared that maybe this man was here to take him away to work rather than the school his father had told him about. Unless he was already away at school. He looked around trying to see if his father had turned up seeing as he had been hurt but as usual there was no sign of him.

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