Tweek X Reader

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Hey guys ! Me again!

Now this is another one of my south park x readers one-shots, one of the littlest steps to my big project! If you have any requests for a south park x reader fanfic, please tell me in the comments below and I'll upload it as quickly as possible. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this and enjoy!



Reader's P.O.V

My friends and I were planning on going to a new cafe that opened up a few weeks ago, we heard that they served great coffee and since we were getting quite stressed out on our studies, we thought that it would be a perfect time to relax. School soon ended and it turns out that the coffee was just the thing we needed to set our heads right. It tasted sweet and creamy with a bitter edge. It was so relaxing but I found something quite suspicious about the place, maybe it's the question of how something they served so simply, could be so close to heaven or the fact that I only saw 1 employee but I just shrugged of the feeling and continued with my business.

After that visit, I established a routine of constantly coming to the cafe just to get my mind off things that stressed me out, however, through my continuous ordering of coffee I discovered that there was only 1 waiter and worker, Tweek. Yup! I know his name, I went to the cafe so often I got to know the owners of the shop and hung out with their only worker, who was also their son. I asked if they wanted any help around here and that I'd be glad to give up some time to lend a hand, I don't even know why I offered to become a waitress, I already had work building up from school and knew that I couldn't afford to give up my spare time.

They were quite hesitant on their answer, making me think that I wouldn't get the job, something that one half of me hoped but the other didn't. I confuse myself sometimes but that was who I was. Their answer was yes, thanks to Tweek persuading them that he couldn't do all the work himself and that the cafe needed all the help that they could get. I was thankful for that, he was so sweet. I told him all about my problems at school and the struggle for keeping my apartment so he did this for me. I swear I just want to hug him. He was the man of my dreams even if he didn't appear quite the charmer with his dirty blonde, bed hair, his never ending twitching from the caffeine he was addicted to or his untidy clothes but that was what I found myself most attracted to, he was far more different then all the other guys I've met. He was hard working, focused and I found his anxiety and muscle spasms adorable! He was the one for me.

Today was a regular working day for me and Tweek, customers would walk through the door I would ask what they wanted and tell Tweek, who would prepare it, after that I would bring the ordered beverage to the customer, saying a quick comment to brighten their day and head back to the counter and help Tweek out or clear up the tables.

" (Y-y/n)." Tweek asked as I finished wiping up a table. It was quite calm today, there were barely any customers coming in and the only person left was a girl named Rachel (I am so sorry if that's your name), why I know her name you ask, well it's because she is a flirt, a flirt that I am jealous of. She would flirt with Tweek, acting all nice and happy and when he turns around she makes faces at me, I know she doesn't like me either but seeing Tweek react to her flirting just gets me wishing; wishing that I could punch her face in and tell her to back away from my man!

" Yes? What is it Tweek?" I asked, facing him as I saw Rachel's face fume up in anger, I smiled widely at that, now I know why she loves annoying me; the taste of victory sure tastes good.

" C-can y-you go a-and fi-finish w-washing up w-while I g-get some m-more in-ingredients f-from the b-back?"

" Sure, I'd be glad to."

" T-Thanks (y/n)." he thanked heading out for more needed supply's. Walking to the sink behind the counter, I heard slam echo through the cafe originating from the direction of Rachel's table, I didn't want to turn around since I'll just get into more trouble. If I upset her again, she'd go running up to Mr Tweak, telling on me as if I was the naughty girl and she was the supposedly innocent one. I'm telling you, I do not want to go through his tiresome lecture of 'never make a customer unhappy' ever again, it almost got me fired! Following the slam, I heard the sound of a chair skidding across tiled floors and stomping come closer as I presumed Rachel was about to give me a beating I'll never forget. I simply ignored it and tried to play cool, panicking will get me nowhere, I turned on the tap for hot water, being careful around it since it gets really hot.

" Don't act so cocky!" I heard a high pitched voice from behind me shout, a hand firmly grabbed my shoulder and forcefully swiveled me around. " Tweek is mine!" I was now facing Rachel, her face become as red as a tomato, I'm guessing out of anger. I found it quite humorous and wanted to laugh but I held it back; acting serious about the situation.

" He isn't yours, you're not his girlfriend." I stated calmly, which seemed to anger her further.

" He isn't but he will be." she challenged as she rose her free hand, her other still holding my shoulder, her grip upon it tightening. " I just have to take you out of the picture." she was about to slap me across the face when a hand caught her wrist and pulled her off me, turning her body she met the darkened countenance of Tweek! " T-Tweek, I- I was just-" she began, panicking.

" Just to do what?" he asked in a menacing tone, Oh god! That has to be the first time I ever heard Tweek say a sentence without twitching. Rachel was about to answer but Tweek cut her off again. " I think you should go, were closing up early today." he suggested , pushing her out the door before she could say another word. Now that was a surprise, he never closes up the shop early in fear of getting his father mad; I'm really seeing another side of him.

" A-a-are y-y-you a-alright?" he asked going back to his old stuttering self. I prefer him like this than the Tweek that didn't stutter, that side of him kind of freaked me out a bit.

" Y-yeah, I'm fine. T-Thanks." I thanked him as I backed away into the edge of the sink. Bumping against it made me realize what I was previously doing and spun around blushing madly. I turned off the tap and completely forgot to add cold water so that it didn't burn me but of course the recent event made me forget everything.

I squeaked in pain as my middle finger entered the boiling body of clear, steaming water. It stung so horribly, the tip of my finger turned red and shocks of penetrating heat was sent through my body, making me shiver. I was again vigorously whirled around to face Tweek, he had a look of panic imprinted on his face as he looked at the hand I had clutching my finger. He pried my hand from the grip I placed around the reddening skin and stared at it eventually leaning forward, softly pressing his cool lips upon the burning flesh of my wound and started to blow on it. The pain faded away and I cupped his cheek to signal that I was fine.

" Thanks Tweek." he smiled. I stepped closer as he gave me a look of confusion, I got on my toes and pressed my lips against his. He tasted a lot like coffee, sweet with a bitter edge. He held me closer and leaned his head down so that I didn't have to tilt me head so high just to capture his lips. Wrapping his arms around my waist, I let my hands wonder into his hair and massaged his scalp creating a soft groan to escape through our locked lips, his reaction made me smirk as I savored the moment I share

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