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     This is the second poem that I am posting

in this series, the first of which was entitled

WHEN I WAS A BULLY, posted on May 27,

2013. Both are autobiographical. I sincerely

hope you will enjoy it.


My friends convinced me to give it a try

Although at first I was a wee bit shy

And, after all, I had nothing to lose

But I knew my Dad would not be amused.

He was totally against beauty quests

Where girls showed off their legs and their breasts.

He also had no faith in the judging.

He'd heard many reports about fudging.

He would not approve of such a contest.

I knew for sure he would not be impressed

But I was determined to get involved

And the revelation could be resolved.

Mum was quite keen on the whole idea.

I'd mentioned it once the previous year.

It was not so nice to go against Dad

And I knew that would make him feel quite sad.

It wasn't long before the forms arrived.

Much information I had to provide;

Details about who my sponsors would be,

Where the organizers could contact me.

I was more or less expected to tell

How many books of tickets I could sell.

It was all about the money I'd raise,

The functions I'd attend and on which days.

I could not believe how much time it took

And by then I could not get off the hook.

Mum was great in helping me to prepare.

She sewed the long gowns that I chose to wear.

She even suggested I wear my hair

In a bouffant style if I liked to dare

To make me look taller, not so teeny.

She helped me select a cute bikini.

(Dad would have shuddered; it was so weeny.)

The weeks passed quickly before the pageant

Which was scheduled as a weekend event.

The townsfolk were invited to attend.

'Twas hoped financial support they would lend.

During the luncheon when judging took place

We met each of the judges face to face.

One stern woman asked such a prying question

It brought on an attack of indigestion.

Suspiciously she asked how long it took

To grow such long nails; 'twas then my hands shook.

I did not want to admit they were fake

For fear from my score some points she would take.

(I hoped the Super Glue would hold them fast.

It had been reliable in the past.)

At the evening ball we were judged, too.

As for dance steps, I knew only a few.

Some of my opponents were ever so tall.

I looked like a midget at that ritzy ball.

Later that night they announced the winner.  

'Twas good it was not during the dinner.

I think some contestants might have choked

Or thought it was just some kind of joke.

For sure she was not the one I expected.

She was full of herself, very affected.

She was close to twelve inches taller  

Than me, almost reaching six feet three.

Blond and gracious looking, my oh my!

She kept perfect time as she danced by.

Her Papa's plane was waiting outside.

She had to hurry to catch her ride.

                                             Revisited May 22, 2019

A/N After fifty-four years I can reflect on this experience positively.

        Although it was disappointing not to win the contest, it helped me

       to cope with rejection. It also helped me to become more poised, self-

      confident and to improve my communication skills including public

     speaking. It was an important step in my initiation into adulthood.

                                                                                                    5/22/2019      ~ Gail

                                           Revisited April 30, 2023

A/N It is now fifty-eight years since I participated in this beauty contest.

         How the world and public opinions have changed over those years!

          I can just imagine what turmoil such an event would cause today.

          The results would be investigated and there would be numerous charges

          about discrimination. It would be a total disaster.

                                                                                                     4/30/ 2023     ~ Gsil

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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