Case Of The Four Horsemen

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Early in the morning I was working on a new piece on my violin, when Lestrade texted me. As I was writing down new notes on my music sheet I heard John come down the stairs, and walk into the kitchen to make tea. I said "good morning John", as I put the violin up to my chin. John replied, "good morning", he made a cup of tea and sat down in his chair. As I finished a line on my music sheet I put my violin down, and sat down.

I was excited to tell John about a new case that I had received from Lestrade. When he was half way done with his tea I couldn't hold it back anymore, I had to tell him."John we got a new case!", he answered "what is it this time?" I told him everything Lestrade told me,' A boy runs into Scotland Yard terrified, because his parents have gone missing. The only thing left behind was a bloody knife, and a note left by his mom. Few days later the mom if found in the forest with everything but her phone. Days later his dad is found dead in an abandoned church with the note," Why you?"  They both had tickets that were for a magic show here in London and were from a group called 4H "Four Horsemen". It seems as though these magicians did no harm but I still have my suppositions. - Lestrade'. I got up from my chair I grab my scarf and coat as John followed behind putting his tea cup on the table. We walked out of 221b and I hailed a cab, John and I got in and I told the cabbie to drive to Scotland Yard.

When we arrived at Scatland Yard I got out of the cab and walked straight into the building as John pay the cabbie, then followed behind. John and I walk into Lestrade's office I told him that we are here to take the case, Lestrade replies," Good, thank you both." I asked Lestrade, "Where is the boy now?" Lestrade answers," In the interrogation room." I walk over to the room and I walk in seeing the boy, 13 years of age, I acted as friendly as can be," Hi there. What's your name?" the boy replies," my mom says I'm not allowed to talk to strangers, and police unless they have a badge." I pull a badge and show the boy, the boy responds," My name is Chris" I put the badge away, and ask the boy," Please tell me everything about your parents, so I can help you." Chris then says," Well I did have a sister, but my parents never talked about her." I thought to myself, that's interesting, I asked him," anything else?" Chris just sat there not willing to talk anymore. As I step out of the room, John was standing by the door. He was in the mortuary looking at the mom and dad's bodies and found a 4H on the back of their ankles, he asked Sherlock," Where did you get the badge from?" I answer," You know...I pick pocket Lestrade when I get bored or when he's being annoying." John just gave me a look. I look at John then ask him "why don't you go and talk to the boy his name is Chris, plus you have better people skills then I do." John walks into the room as I waited outside.

After John finishes asking Chris questions I went to Lestrade, and told him to keep me posted on anything that turns up, and tells him to look up Chris's sister. John then asks me," Are you hungry?" I reply," Yeah" John suggests that we should go to Tapas Brindisa Soho restaurant, and I agreed we got a cab, and went to the restaurant. Over dinner we talked about the evidence that we collected, and Lestrade texted me and he said,' I haven't found anything on the sister.-Lestrade'. I look at John and told him what Lestrade texted me. When we were finished eating we went back to the flat.

At the flat I started to notice something was off about John. I ask John," are you feeling ok?" he replied," yeah I'm fine". I walked to the kitchen to make some tea for John and me. When I was finish, I walked into the room, and saw that John was sitting in my chair. When I places the tea cups down John said," Sherlock you always act like the smart one, when your not. Sometimes when solving a cases it could be easy, but no you take the hard way." I looked a John I was kind of confused on the way he was acting. I slapped him across the face hoping that would make him cut it out, but he proceeded to said," You're a psychopath that thinks he can solve anything." When I wasn't paying attention John punched me in the gut. I fell to the ground in pain, trying not to show emotion I asked," John! What was that for?" he simply replied," That's for slapping me, and for being a jerk!" After a while I slowly got up off the ground with the words,' Jerk and psychopath' running around my head. When I got up, and John wasn't paying attention I knocked him out. After John was out I moved him over to his chair. I then sat down in my chair. I waited for John to wake up.

As I wait for John to wake I play my violin some more, composing a new piece. When John woke up he couldn't remember what happened so he asked," Sherlock what happened?" I pretended that I didn't hear him so I bluntly said," hmm?" he asked me again," what happened?" I answered him," Nothing much, you just black out." John looked at me with disbelief he said," are you serious?" I replied," yep." I sat there quietly for  moment and then John finally asked," What's wrong?" I simple said," Nothing." John just gave me a look for the rest of the time.

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