New Foal New Beginning

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[Before this story starts, I'm going to tell you that this story is FAN MADE]
   A long time ago, an new born foal was left to be murdered by the dragons but instead the dragons took her in and raised as she was a dragon as well, as years passed she decided to go to school in Ponyville, firest entered into the school and sat down on the floor. It was soft and cozy but not like home, later students entered the school and sat down, but not on the floor but on a item?  it was like bolder chairs and stone platform but smooth and wooden? Firest  stayed quiet and played with her fire magic silently, she stopped playing with her Fire magic when Mrs. Cheerily came into the room "Good morning everyone! Today we have a new student! Please come and introduce yourself!" she said cheerfully. Firest  got up and went in the front of the classroom "Hello I'm FIREST, my family are dragons-".  the class bursted out laughing they try to speak but failed.  She ran out of the school with anger and fire coming out of her hooves, into the forest near the school.

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