Chapter 1

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Hi. My name is Miabella Paul. Most just call me mia or Bella I don't mind either way. As you have probably guessed by now, I'm jake and Logan Paul's sister. I'm so excited to see my brothers but also nervous... you see they've been gone for quiet a while now and since then I have completely stopped talking. I don't even remember what they look like or act like, it's been just......too......long

It's weird not having them around anymore it's actually really boring. There's no pranks or loud birds flying around.

Anyway I'm packing to go to L . A today. I already know who I'm going to live with. The only brother that doesn't throw freaking plates at me. Yepp. Jake. I'm kinda nervous to be living with him though, apart from the not talking thing. Which by the way none of my brothers know about that, I mean there's so many people there. What if they don't like me or worse hate me? I don't think I could live in a house where everyone hates me...

My anxiety starts to kick in and I have to take a break from thinking so I decide to go downstairs and eat something before leaving for the airport.

Logan's p.o.v

I'm seriously sooo excited to see my baby sister again. I've missed her so much, growing up. Mia, jake and I where all really close, when jake and I moved I can only imagine how heartbroken she must've been. It's been years since I've last seen her, it's sad, I don't even call her that much anymore.
Although i did promise That I would protect her with my life when we were little.It breaks my heart whenever she cries or is hurt.


Miabella's p.o.v

About an hour later, I'm finally at the airport. I say a quick goodbye to my mum and dad. After that I board the plane, When I'm almost on the plane, I do the weird thing that 'uncle kade' does before boarding onto a plane, you know the pat, pat, rub thing. Yes I watch the team ten blogs. I mean if I'm going to be living with them I have to know but I still watch loggy.

I finally find my seat and I'm surprisingly sitting by myself, I mentally high five myself and do a little happy dance. Until a rude baby decides to cry. This is gonna be a long plane ride. I can just tell that the baby will cry all the way to L. A. I mentally stare daggers at the kid. What right does he have to disturb my peace but the baby's cute if I must say so myself. Although he does pull my hair through the seats, Which I'll be honest is annoying but adorable at the same time.

I managed to fall asleep with the baby crying but I still vividly remembering the crying stop.


I wake up to someone shaking me, my immediate reaction is to move away from the person and slowly open my eyes to see a flight attendant. She leans back on her heels and said " Sorry to wake you up but the flight has landed I hope you enjoyed the trip. "

As soon as she says that I jump up and quickly grab my bag and walk towards the baggage claim area. Whilst I'm trying to find my suitcase someone comes up behind me and hugs me. I turn around and it's the Logan Paul, The LOGAN PAUL. Oh my god I missed him so much.
"So how's my favourite little sister in the whole world?" He questioned me. I obviously couldn't say anything, so I grabbed my phone and texted him.
(A.n ~ the texts are too the actually people, so if it says Logan, it's to logan. Just putting it out there xoxo)
Logan💭 - yea I'm good. How are you? X

He just looked at me weird and typed back.

Mimi💕 - ummmm. Okay? Why didn't you just say that? Never mind that now. We need to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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