Divergent:Tobias' Story

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A/N: Sorry if this sucks it's my first time and I'm sorry but I have to know this. What does A/N mean? Pls read and like this comment if you have points for me to take thx! P.S: I changed up the story so it'll be exciting! When it's in italic he's talking to himself in his head! (You'll Understand as you read)

I wake up to hear whipping in the kitchen. I can hear screaming from my parents and I realize, he's doing it again. He's whipping my mother. I quickly run downstairs to help my mother. When I entered the kitchen I saw her face, all puffy and red from crying. I look down to see blood gushing from her leg. Just as he was about to hit her again, I ran to stop him.

"Son what are you doing? I am trying to help your mother," he said.

"I don't care what you're doing but you can't do this to my mother, your own wife!" I screamed back.

"Tobias, go back to your room. I'll be fine I promise," my mother croaked.

I ran upstairs knowing that whatever I did was useless. I had no power against him. He was my father and he would hurt me too if I interfered. I was 7 at that time and that was what I kept thinking untill he hit me.

"Dad stop!!"

"This is for your own good son."

"Mom already left and I'll leave too on Choosing Day."

"You wouldn't do that because you're a coward."

"You go watch me dad I will."

Then he hit me again. That kept happening for 8 years. My mother had already left us. She was factionless now and I could never see her again. I was mad at her though. She left me, she left me with him. The one that hurt both of us. I'm almost 16, which means that I could go to the choosing ceremony and choose another faction. Anything but Abnegation. That was the faction I lived in. The faction that I would leave.

                                                                          1 Year Later

 Today was the day. The day of my aptitude test. I was nervous. Nervous at what my test results would be. Would I be Amity, Dauntless, Candor, Erudite, or...... or Abnegation. I was daydreaming when they called my name. I walked in one of the rooms and was happily greeted by a Amity volunteer. I tried to calm my self as she put electrodes on my forehead. She told me to drink this clear liquid and when I did, I started feeling dizzy and I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I wasn't in the aptitude room. I looked down. I think I was 100 feet off the ground but I couldn't tell. I tried to take a step back but there was nothing but air. I looked up and found my self dangling from a balcony ledge.

I tried to look up to see who was holding me or what was holding me up. But all I saw was nothing. Then I fell. I screamed, I couldn't see the pavement below but I knew it was there, I knew I was going to fall on it. Then I disappeared into nothing.

I woke up in a room. A closet. It was tight and stuffy but it had a scent I would always remember. My Father's scent. I went for the door and I knew perfectly well where it was. All those memories of my father stuffing me in that cramped closet to teach me a lesson I will never understand. How will stuffing a 8 year old kid in a closet going to help him? But it did now because I knew where everything was without having my eyes to adjust in the darkness. As I turned the doorknob, I found that it was locked. Of course how could I have possibly forgotten that? He always did that. Ever since then, I've been claustrophobic. 

I frantically looked around for something to open the door and I found this metal rod that I know has never been there. Anyways, I preyed open the door with it and when I walked out, I saw my mom and a gun on a table. She was strapped to a chair and even though I hated her, I had to untie her. I had to help her.

When the ropes came undone she tackled me. I was confused at first but I couldn't let her take me down so I fought back and eventually got her off of me and I made a mad dash for the table. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at her. 

"Don't make me shoot because I will!" I yelled.

She just kept coming at me with a hungry look for killing. She charged at me and I-I shot. Right in the stomach. I was horrified with what I have done so I ran beside her. With tears bursting from my eyes I look at her wound. 

What have you done Tobias? She's dying because of you! You just shot your mother! Get you shit together! 

"Tobias be strong, this is just a simulation. Everything will be alright. I love you no matter what happens and please I'm begging you. Please forgive me." She whispered.

"I forgive you." I whispered back.

"Be strong Tobias, Be strong."

And that was all I heard. The room was then filled with darkness and then, I was in my living room. I was confused but then I heard footsteps come down the stairs. It was him. Marcus Eaton. My father and to make matters worse, he was holding his signature belt. The one he used to always whip me.

"This is for your own good son." He told me.

He whipped me again and again. I couldn't take this anymore!! I had to get out of here! I screamed at the top of my lungs! Then, everything went black.

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