Don't Leave Me

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Cover by: nearmazi


Jimin hadn't always been able to see ghosts. The first time he'd ever been able to see one was when he was around seven. At the time, he had still been an immature kid who hadn't been aware he was seeing things others couldn't see. The first ghost he'd ever encountered was during a family vacation to a secluded resort. His parents had rented a furnished house in the woods that was right next to a large lake and surrounded by trees. There rented house was next to a few other houses that could be rented as well. That summer, only two others had been in use, and neither of those families had any children. One family consisted of a newly married couple who had gone there for their honeymoon. The other family consisted of a grandma, grandpa and their three grown-up children who were there to enjoy a small family get together before the youngest got married and the eldest had a child. So, Jimin and Jihyun were the only children there. Since they were young, they loved being outdoors and being in the middle of the woods meant lots of places to explore.

The two siblings would often run around playing near the lake. Their parents would keep watch from the balcony of their rented house. And the two other couples who'd rented houses nearby would also keep an eye on the children whenever they saw them outside, not wanting anything bad to happen to them. However one day during their vacation Jimin and Jihyun fought over something rather trivial, and Jihyun refused to play with Jimin anymore for the time being.

Jimin was angry with his little brother and was just fine not playing with the younger. But his parents didn't like when they fought, so they were restricted from going outside until they made up. But neither of the siblings wanted to make up, so they remained inside. However, while Jihyun was watching TV and their parents were taking a nap, Jimin snuck out without informing anyone. He went to a section of the lake the two had found earlier on in the trip, it was a spot that was sort of hidden from view, which would make it harder for their parents to see what they were up to when they were being mischievous.

While Jimin just walked around he found a long stick and picked up. Being the creative little child he was he began to imagine the stick was a sword and the trees were the demons threatening the kingdom he was the knight of.

"Be gone you demons!" He yelled waking at the surrounding trees with the stick and pretending to dodge blows thrown by the invisible enemies. As he was playing by himself he suddenly heard someone behind him laughing. Turning to look around he found a tall man, with silver hair, blue eyes, and a warm smile, leaning against one of the trees. Jimin stared at the man somewhat afraid, despite the serene expression the other had, as his parents had always warned him to stay away from strangers.

"You look like you're having fun." The man said smiling at Jimin kindly trying to show he meant no harm.

"Mommy said I shouldn't talk to strangers," Jimin whispered backing away. The stranger laughed and nodded.

"And your mommy is right. Listen to her about that, not everyone in this world is kind." The man warned in a light tone as the smile remained on his face.

"Then I shouldn't talk to you," Jimin stated confused.

"Hmm if you think I'll hurt you then you shouldn't. But I really don't mean any harm. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to play with me? Isn't it lonely playing all by yourself?" The man asked. Jimin nodded a little at that.

"Yea...but Jihyunie is being a meanie! We fought and now he refused to play with me and called me a baby, but he's the real baby! He's five and I'm seven!" Jimin stated pouting and recalling their argument earlier.

"Ah..I see. What did you two fight over?" The man asked smiling fondly at Jimin as he came closer. Jimin didn't even notice the other was coming closer as he began to rant about Jihyun and their petty argument, exaggerating all the details. The man chuckled as he offered Jimin a solution to the problem and Jimin stared at him in awe realizing the solution could work.

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