The day before

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My favorite band, I prevail is having 2 concerts the day before and the day after my birthday in the state that I live in and I'm going to both of them, the first concert is tomorrow and I'm really excited. I'm going to wear my hottest outfit because I got backstage tickets and the drummer is really hot. My best friend is coming over to help me choose out my outfit. I'm really freaking out about these concerts if you haven't noticed. *the door opens*

"guess who it is?" Alicia says.

Hmm, I don't know is it the ugliest person I've ever seen? I tell her

"You're so nice". 

Yeah I know I am.

"So let's choose our outfits for this dumb concert or whatever"

This isn't a dumb concert

"Yeah whatever"

Anyways I think I'm going to wear a really flashy dress in case the drummer sees me

"He's probably going to see you considering that we're going to be backstage"

True, I'm going to use my glitter makeup as well, what are you wearing?

"I'm going to wear jeans and a flannel, I'm not doing makeup"

Jeez you're boring, what time is it?

"Well I don't care about people there and it's 10pm"

You might find a hot guy there to hook up with but With your face probably not.

"Oh thanks, I really needed that"

Of course you did, but I'm going to bed I don't care what you do as long as you're quiet. I went in my room, changed into my most comfortable clothes and went to bed.

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