Doctor Who Short Story, So Beautiful

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The minute it happened I new how it was going to end.

It was easy to tell.

A gun shot went off in the distance and I turned; only to see that the target was me.

I felt a horrible pain in my stomach suddenly and fell to the ground.

I tried to force myself up but it was in vain.

So I lied there knowing perfectly well that I was going to die.

I wasn't ready to die so I protested.

I screamed at absolutely nothing to save me.

I felt my self becoming weaker as I slowly and painfully bled to death.

My voice was becoming weaker and horse.

So I just whispered to myself, "I don't want to die here all alone."

Just as all hope was fading I heard a calm voice in the distance, "You're not all alone Katy; I'm here."

"Hello, who's there?" I asked, I tone of hope in my voice.

"It's me." Said the voice.

As heard him speak he put his face over mine so I could see him.

As I realized who it was a smile sprouted on my face, "Well if it isn't my good friend the doctor!"

He smiled and chuckled slightly, "yes it's me."

"You can go back in time and save me, right Doctor?" I asked with the voice of a curious child.

His smile faded and he said, "no Katy, sadly I cannot. This moment in time is fixed, I can't go back and save you."

The smile on my face faded, tears weld up in my eyes. "This can't be the end Doctor; not yet."

I noticed my vision was starting to fade and I felt more and more distant.

"This is the end Katy but at least were here together." He said

"Well it is quit a beautiful place." I said in barely a whisper.

"So beautiful." Replied the Doctor.

I knew the end was very close so I looked up at him; I wanted him to be the last thing I saw.

I looked up at him and said, "Doctor, before go can I ask you something?"

"Anything." He replied.

"What is your name?" I asked.

A small smirk played on his lips, "The Doctor, of course. You knew that."

I smiled, I knew he wouldn't tell me the truth. I felt myself separating from this world. So I looked at the Doctor one last time.

He smiled in a comforting way, "Goodby Katy; now close your eyes and go to sleep." And with those final words I smiled, closed my eyes and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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