Chapter 1: False Hope

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"I cannot find the words to say, Your Highness. I wish there were something more I could do."

"You may leave now." I struggle to keep the tears from falling as I clench my fists at my sides.

The private investigator bows down apologetically and exits the room, once again leaving me in my solitude. How can this be? This was the eleventh investigator when the first one was supposed to be the best in Silla.

Perhaps it's time to move on. Maybe I've been reaching for the stars.

"Your Highness, the physician has arrived."

"Let him in."

"Your Highness," Master An greets me politely before coming over and laying down his tools on my bedside table. He then pulls out one of my stools, sits across from me, and checks the pulse on my wrist. "It seems that your blood pressure is high again," he says in a calm manner. I'm not surprised - about my blood pressure, I mean. I wouldn't even be surprised if he tells me I'm dying.

"Am I gonna die?" My voice is quieter than I'd intended. I feel powerless.

He pauses, looks at me with an unreadable expression, and says, "I will do my best to bring you back to health. Are you also still having trouble sleeping?"


"I will give you some more doses of sleeping pills then."

Soon after Master An leaves, Lady Kim announces mother's arrival.

"Sookmyung," mother rejoices kindly as she sits beside me and takes my hands in hers. "I just spoke with Master An. I hate to say this, darling,'re getting worse. And Lady Kim tells me you aren't eating."

I sulk and avoid her gaze.

"Listen sweetheart, I was thinking...Maybe it's best for you to take a break for a while."

I look back at her. "Whatever do you mean by that?"

"Go to Baekje. Relax. Enjoy some change in atmosphere. Hm?"


"I've already made an announcement to the public." She what?

"Thank you, Mother. But...Before I leave, I have to know. Where is he?"

Once again, she gives me that malicious, fake smile. "As I told you before, honey, your brother is doing just fine. He's just not ready yet."

"Mother, he is of age now. Let him take his throne. We have all seen that you have done so much in his place. But it's time to move on now."

"Don't start again, Sookmyung. This conversation is over." She swiftly stands and leaves, avoiding the subject once again.

The next day I'm escorted to my carriage, I bid farewell to mother, and I'm off to our neighboring kingdom.

When I wake up I glance out the window and see the peasants watching curiously as we go by. We're almost there.

Soon, I see the palace walls and feel an adventurous thrill. I know I'm here for health purposes, but it also feels like the beginning of an exciting journey.

Once the carriage comes to a halt, he's the one to open my door. Has he missed me too?

"Princess Sookmyung," he greets me as he reaches out for my hand. I take it without hesitation and step out so I'm now standing directly in front of him, mesmerized by his hypnotizing eyes. He smiles. I've missed him.


"Lets get you inside," he says as he motions for me to hook my arm through his. Our bodily contact sends chills all through my body.

We sit across from each other, separated by his Japan-imported square table. His servant lays a plate of snacks in the middle and pours us some hot tea.

"How are you feeling today?" Onjo asks in his deep, manly voice.

"The same as any other day." I reply as I sip my tea.

"How long has it been since I last saw you? Two, three years?"


"Really? Wow. Well, you're still as beautiful than ever."

When I don't give him a response, he laughs. "And still feisty, I see."

"Have you heard from my brother?"

The mood turns dark in an instant.

"I'm sorry, no," he says.

There's a brief silence till I shatter it with my next words.

"I think mother's hiding him."

He straightens his back. "The queen? Why would she do that?"

"Well, why wouldn't she?"

Silence again.

"Where do you think she's hiding him?" He asks. "He can't be in the palace, can he?"

"I don't know. I wonder how she's able to hide him so well."

"What are you gonna do?"

"All the investigators are useless and I'm out of ideas."

"What about your uncle Kyung Kong? Is he still helping?"

"No. Mother tells me not to get in touch with him so often. I think she's afraid he'll try to steal the throne from her."

Onjo sighs. "Look, we'll keep searching, but you also have to take care of your health, okay? I want you to return to Silla all strong again."

I can't help but grin a little. It's nice to have someone who actually cares about me. Like Jinheung would if he were here.

Everyone will end up where they should, brother. Just hang in there a little longer.

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