Chapter 1: New Life New Problems

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With every new experience comes a new issue. A very sad yet true statement. Sums up my life as a whole honestly. When I was 8, my mom, passed away and my dad followed suit just three months later. I was forced to live with my aunt who was a drug addict and let's just say she had a lot of similarities to a serial killer. Having to spend ten years with her was no easy task I can tell you that. I mean seriously, why should a child have to hide a knife under their pillow for protection? Now don't get me wrong I never said she was entirely bad but, yea she was pretty fucking bad. Actually, she got so bad that I ended up running away in fear because I thought she was gonna kill me. She most likely would have now that I think about it. Anyway, since then I've been moving constantly and changing my name as well as my appearance. She sent out an amber alert for me so it's not like I had much of a choice. As of right now, I'm a real estate broker. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where our story begins.

It was midnight. I had taken the late shift at work in order to get things prepared for the upcoming housing exchange we were having with another company nearby. At night everything just seemed so creepy and evil. I mean I know I'm not the only one that goes into full alert mode when it gets dark. Looking up at the clock I sigh and begin to gather my things. Walking home I recall all of the times I've walked down this road and how good it felt to finally feel safe. Lost in thought I screech when I feel something warm and furry hit my leg. " What in the fuck?!" I scream, jumping back and preparing to run for my life. Looking down my eyes meet with a Husky Puppy. "Awe so cute" I said reaching down to pet the adorable creature. " What's your name boy? Where's your owner?" I ask, Scratching under the dog's jaw. "woof" said the dog, tilting its head up and wagging its tail in delight. As he does so I notice the collar around his neck and the leash attached to it. "Did you run away?" I ask. As if trying to answer my question the dog turns around and starts walking away. Out of curiosity, I followed the dog only to be led to an alleyway that I had never seen before. Was that always there? I thought to myself, If so then even in alert mode I skip past a few things. Reaching the entryway of the ally I look up from the dog and two hooded figures could be seen standing next to a tower of barrels. They looked tall and buff so I took a guess and said they were men.

"Shit!" I say in a whisper. I quickly hide behind the wall next to me. What are they doing here so late? I ask myself. Peeking past the wall I see the Husky walk up to one of the men. "So that's his owner? A drug dealer?" I say quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself. After what felt like hours the men parted. Breathing a sigh of relief I am soon interrupted by an unfamiliar voice. "Hey." I jerk my head up in surprise and confusion.When did he get here? My eyes widen as I stare into his hollow gray eyes. Before I can utter a single word I feel a sharp pain in the back of the head and everything goes black.

"What do we do with her?"
"Be patient my boy, you'll find out soon enough."

Words flow into my ears like water down a drain. The sound alone causes me to open my eyes only to be greeted with an intense headache. I groan in pain gaining the attention of the two voices. "Took you long enough." said an echoing voice, followed by footsteps. "What?" I say, looking up to meet with the same hollow gray eyes as before. "It's you!" I yell. "I would appreciate it if you would kindly shut up" he says, looking down at me. He had a lifeless expression on his face but his eyes told a different story. Attempting to get up and get a closer look, I come to the realization that I'm tied to a chair. "What the hell?" I say quietly, to myself. I take the chance to observe my surroundings. About five feet in front of me was a desk with a mountain of plastic bags and prescription pills. Looking around more I managed to make out steel beams on the ceiling. A warehouse, maybe? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft laugh in the shadows. A chill runs down my spine at the sound and I slowly turn my head in the direction of the laugh. " So you've realized that you aren't in the best position right now." said the laughing man. His voice was deep and raspy, like the kind of voice those old badass mafia leaders in movies and books voices sound like. Snapping me from my classified discussion of mafia men, I hear heavy footsteps echo through the warehouse walls. I squint my eyes only to make out the figure of a slightly heavyset man in the distance.

" It's good to see that you are finally awake." said the laughing shadow. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked, fear beginning to swell up inside me. " You can call this place our, how do you say, Base of operations." he says walking swiftly towards me. As he gets closer the light from a single light bulb shines on him revealing his appearance. His hair was completely gray and combed back. He had sea foam green eyes that to the average and unsuspecting person he would seem like a kind-hearted man. He wore a black suit as well as a trench coat and scarf even though it was 80 degrees outside. "It's best not to toy with her, who knows what she's capable of" said the dealer. "Regardless she is a member of our team now. That alone is fact." Said the old man. " Stop ignoring me and answer my question! Who are you?!" I yelled, tired of waiting for an answer that I knew might never come. "It's not Who are you? That you should be asking it's Who are we?"He said. "What?" I said, giving him an irritated look. " I'll answer both to suit your fancy. I am Wyatt Gardener and we are the Figures.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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