September 2016 vs. September 2017...Which is better?

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You probably already know who I am, I just need to know who you are. So let's introduce each other.

My name is Zoey. And yours is?

"Insert your name."

Nice to meet you! Well, if you've read the other books, then you'll already know me. But just in case you haven't, I'll fill you in.

My dad had me when he was 12, and he ran into a lot of obstacles doing the job of raising me.... all on his own. My name is Zoey Macrae, my dad is Zak Macrae. And well, there isn't much to our story, i guess. Or it's the fact it takes a lot of explaining to explain my life and it's difficult to explain.... it gives me mental cramps if you get what I'm saying.

So September 2016, I started a new school. It was a fresh, new year. I didn't know anyone at all. It was gonna be exciting. The first day was fun and adventurous. Of course, I made friends. Then the first full day rolled around, and without any warning, my dad showed up at school one morning. For a second, I thought he was there for me, until he walked right by me. Eventually, he noticed me and said "Hi Zoey!" Dragging out the "ey" on the end because he knows how much it bothers me. His girlfriend, who is now his fiancé, laughed at me. I scowled at them both and continued on as if I didn't know them, even though my dad had publicly humiliated me on the first full day.

So far, it had been a pretty great start to my year, and it wasn't half bad having my dad around. Until one week, we got a week-long break from each other. I didn't expect to hear or see from my dad until Friday at the least. So I posted a little photo of him, and tagged him in it as a little "I miss you" post. I half expected him to ignore it, until I opened up my instagram, to find a msg from my dad, saying he thought I should start a fan account for him; when he wasn't even famous! To this day though, I still have the msg from him. In an idiot type move I told him okay, not possibly thinking the mental condition he could've been in the moment he sent that, but we talked all night; him barking out orders on how he wanted it to be set up. At this point, I'd figured he must've been serious, but he also wouldn't let me put our names in the bio, because it was a secret admirer thingy.

It lasted to the next month, but we can talk about that more later. But why am I comparing it to this September? Because a big part of me feels that this year was better. I'm not sure, but I honestly think it was, on a much finer note, a lot less stressful!

So this September started off a lot less a mystery, since I knew people, and had my crew of friends and stuff. I found my classes well, and was happy. I had gotten the classes I wanted, well, except some. But I think I could do without them, for now at least. Things were going well, until the second or third week in that is.... I started to have the hardest time focusing on my work, and all of a sudden just sitting in my classes became a challenge. I was frustrated, and the Sunday before I had to go back to school, I cried to my dad and told him I couldn't take it anymore. He told me to relax, and that giving up wasn't the answer. He told me that if he'd given up there'd be so many things he wouldn't have right now, one of the might have been me. So he explained that I could go see my caseworker, and explain to her what was going on. So I tried to make that priority, even though it didn't happen, and I yet again struggled through classes on Monday. Later that night I got into a fight with my dad's fiancé, and she told me I just quit everything I start, which isn't true, but I guess to her it is. Then I explained how I was feeling depressed again, and then she blurted out "Not this shit again!" I cried and called my mom. Within a few days, things were stored out and my dad and I had an intake meeting for my new learning system.

So I guess the whole point of this was to see if I had truly had a good or bad September... and honestly, at this point I'm looking at it and thinking they both score a pretty bad number. I mean, I know everything in life happens for a reason, so we should try to make everything that happens happy, because life should be happy! Never mind, now I sound like my dad and some psycho drug addicted hippie who is just wayyyy to happy because they can no longer feel emotions because of all the drugs they're on. Oh, wait, again, that is my dad in a nutshell. Party all weekend, get high on drugs, get drunk and never stay sober every day of his life! Zak in a nutshell, Zoeys dad Zak the fucked up nut with no life.

Okay so here's the fun part: you guys tell me! What do you think? Was September 2016 better than September 2017? Were they just as good? Was one worse than the other? Or were they equally as bad? And if you just have stuff to say, don't be afraid to say it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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